December 2022 Council Meeting - Annapolis, MD
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If you have trouble viewing the content on this page, click here.
Please note that the start/end times listed above and other meeting details are subject to change. Please check the NEFMC website linked above for updates.
A peer review panel will meet December 5-9, 2022 to review the research track stock assessments for bluefish and spiny dogfish. An agenda and webinar connection details will be posted on the page linked below. This meeting is open to the public. Please note that the start and end times listed on this page are subject to change.
Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.
After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment. The peer review panels review the assessment(s) for technical merit and provide recommendations on whether the assessment should or should not be used for management.
Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.
The Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Committee will hold a public meeting via webinar on Friday, December 2, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to review public comment received on the draft Amendment to address species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. The Committee may also develop recommendations to the Council, to be presented to the full Council later in December.
Contact: Jessica Coakley,, (302) 526-5252
Join the Webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2341 674 0543, Meeting password: Dec2022SCOQCtte)
Join by Phone: +1-415-655-0001 (US Toll), Access Code: 2341 674 0543
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Advisory Panel will hold a public meeting jointly with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Advisory Panel. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 30, 2022, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. EDT. The purpose of this meeting is to review the Monitoring Committee’s recommendations for 2023 recreational management for all three species and to provide Advisory Panel input on 2023 recreational management measures.
Click here to join the webinar (if prompted enter Meeting number: 2335 477 9283; Password: advisors)
Audio Options: Participants can use their computer mic/speakers or telephone for webinar audio. Once you have joined the webinar at the link above, you will be able to select your audio options.
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001; Access code: 2335 477 9283. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
Summary of October 26, 2022 Monitoring Committee meeting (Note that a summary of the Monitoring Committee’s November 15 meeting is not yet available. However, the MC’s recommendations are summarized in the staff presentations linked below.)
Staff presentation on Percent Change Approach and Recreational Fishery Models
Council staff memo on scup recreational management measures for 2023
Council staff memo on black sea bass recreational management measures for 2023
Council staff memo on summer flounder recreational management measures for 2023
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Ecosystem and Ocean Planning (EOP) Committee and Advisory Panel will meet together, via webinar on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 from 9am until 12pm. The purpose of this meeting is for the EOP Committee and AP to begin a comprehensive review of the Council’s Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) risk assessment. The Council completed the initial risk assessment in 2017 to provide a snapshot of the current risks to meeting management objectives and helps the Council decide where to focus resources to address priority ecosystem considerations. This comprehensive review will allow the Council to evaluate new and existing objectives and risk elements and consider new information and analyses that are available to help update the risk assessment. It is anticipated the review will be completed in the fall of 2023.
Staff Contact: Brandon Muffley, (302)526-5260,
Click here to join the November 30, 2022 EOP Committee and AP meeting (if prompted, enter Meeting number: 2343 678 8844; Meeting password: 8TrcRda3Vs4). After you connect, you will have an opportunity to choose whether you want to use your phone or computer mic/speakers for audio.
For telephone-only access, dial +1-415-655-0001 (US Toll) and enter access code 2343 678 8844.
The Monkfish Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Radisson Airport Hotel (2081 Post Road) in Warwkick, RI, with webinar option for those who cannot participate in person. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the following items:
• Framework Adjustment 13. Receive a progress update on developing 2023-2025 specifications and other management measures (regarding Days-At-Sea, possession limits, and gillnet mesh size). Review the preliminary impact analysis of alternatives and recommend final preferred alternatives to the Council.
• Monkfish Priorities. Finalize recommendations to the Council for 2023 Council management priorities regarding monkfish.
• Other business may be discussed, as necessary.
Meeting materials and details on connecting to the webinar can be found on the New England Fishery Management Council website:
The Monkfish Advisory Panel will meet via webinar on Monday, November 28, 2022 to discuss the following items:
• Framework Adjustment 13. Receive a progress update on developing 2023-2025 specifications and other management measures (regarding Days-At-Sea, possession limits, and gillnet mesh size). Review the preliminary impact analysis of alternatives and recommend final preferred alternatives to the Committee.
• Monkfish Priorities. Finalize recommendations to the Committee for 2023 Council management priorities regarding monkfish.
• Other business may be discussed, as necessary
Meeting materials and details on connecting to the webinar can be found on the New England Fishery Management Council website:
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is requesting public comments on a draft amendment to modify the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. Comments may be submitted at any of three public hearings to be held on November 10, 14, and 17. Written comments will also be accepted through November 23.
Comments may be submitted at any of the following public hearings:
Thursday, November 10, 2022. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport. 9000 Bartram Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153. 215-365-4500.
Canceled Monday, November 14, 2022. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Hampton Inn. 53 Old Bedford Road, Westport, MA 02790. 508-675-8500.
Thursday, November 17, 2022. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Webinar. Register here.
Written comments may be submitted by any of the methods listed below. Comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23, 2022.
Email to: (use subject “SCOQ Species Separation”)
Online at:
Mail to: Chris Moore, Ph.D., Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 800 North State Street, Suite 201, Dover, DE 19901. Mark the outside of the envelope " SCOQ Species Separation.”
NOAA Fisheries is collecting stakeholder input on the development of an omnibus amendment to incorporate the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument into relevant fishery management plans (FMPs). This amendment would incorporate the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument’s area and commercial fishing prohibition into FMPs and, ultimately, fishery regulations. NOAA Fisheries is asking for feedback on this action through November 30, 2022.
A virtual hearing will be held on November 16, 2022, at 3:00 pm. Visit the links below for more information.
Written comments can be submitted by emailing Laura Deighan at Include in the subject line "Comments on Monument Amendment." Comments can be submitted through November 30, 2022.
Following this hearing, additional opportunities for review and comment on the draft omnibus amendment will be provided.
Visit the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument page for more details.
Contact Laura Deighan, Sustainable Fisheries, 978-281-9184
Media: Contact Allison Ferreira, Regional Office, 978-281-9103
This is part of a series of working group meetings associated with the 2022 Spiny Dogfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details.
*** Please note that assessment working group meeting meetings are hosted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Webinar connection information for these meetings is only available on the working group page (linked above) and will not be posted on the Council calendar. ***
Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.
Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.
After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.
Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.
The Council’s Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish (MSB) Committee and Advisory Panel will meet jointly via webinar on Wednesday, November 16 2022, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The purpose of this meeting is to discuss potential follow-up actions regarding the disapproved Illex Permit Amendment.
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2349 074 9396; Password: JBzGpH53WJ4). After you connect you will have the option to choose whether to use your phone or computer microphone and speakers for audio.
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001; Access code: 2349 074 9396. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
July 2020 MAFMC Press Release on Council Action:
September 2022 NOAA Disapproval Bulletin:
This is part of a series of working group meetings associated with the 2022 Spiny Dogfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details.
*** Please note that assessment working group meeting meetings are hosted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Webinar connection information for these meetings is only available on the working group page (linked above) and will not be posted on the Council calendar. ***
Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.
Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.
After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.
Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Monitoring Committee (MC) will meet on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The meeting will be held via webinar.
The Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Monitoring Committee will meet to discuss 2023 recreational management measures for each species. The Monitoring Committee will consider how to apply the recently adopted Harvest Control Rule Percent Change Approach to these species in 2023, including the percent change in harvest the measures should achieve in 2023. The Monitoring Committee will also recommend the appropriate coastwide or federal waters recreational management measures (e.g., possession limits, fish size limits, seasons) for all three species.
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2333 209 3985; Password: SFSBSB_MC_2022)
Audio Options: Participants can use their computer mic/speakers or telephone for webinar audio. Once you have joined the webinar at the link above, you will be able to select your audio options. If you have an unstable internet connection, we recommend using the “call in” option. To use your phone to connect to audio, first sign into the webinar link above, then look for the “call in” option (if you don’t see this, look for the “use computer audio” button, which will have a little down arrow next to it that you can click on – that should bring up the “call in” option). That will give you a prompt with the phone number, access code, and Attendee ID#. Please make sure to use the Attendee ID# on your screen, as that will allow us to identify you on our end.
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2333 209 3985. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
Council staff memo on scup recreational management measures for 2023
Council staff memo on black sea bass recreational management measures for 2023
Council staff memo on summer flounder recreational management measures for 2023
PLEASE NOTE: This hearing has been cancelled due to staff and hearing officer travel delays. Anyone planning to attend this hearing is strongly encouraged to attend the public hearing webinar to be held on Thursday, November 17 at 6:00 p.m.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Protected Resources Committee will hold a public meeting, via webinar, on Monday, November 14, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is for the PR Committee to review materials resulting from their data request to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team (ALWTRT) and discuss potential sets of measures. The ALWTRT is tasked with reducing the risk of entanglement to right whales in U.S. East Coast fixed gear fisheries including gillnet, mixed species trap/pot, and lobster and Jonah crab trap/pot fisheries. The measures developed by the ALWTRT have the potential to impact several Council managed fisheries and the Protected Resources Committee will develop recommendations and guidance for the Council’s representation on the ALWTRT. The ALWTRT is currently scheduled to make final recommendations at their December 1-2 meeting, however this may be subject to change. The Committee may address other protected resources issues as they arise.
Staff Contact: Karson Cisneros,
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2331 361 5721; Password: x6gNNSKWA77). After you connect you will have the option to choose whether to use your phone or computer microphone and speakers for audio.
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001; Access code: 2331 361 5721. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is requesting public comments on a draft amendment to modify the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. Comments may be submitted at any of three public hearings to be held on November 10, 14, and 17. Written comments will also be accepted through November 23.
Comments may be submitted at any of the following public hearings:
Thursday, November 10, 2022. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport. 9000 Bartram Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153. 215-365-4500.
Monday, November 14, 2022. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Hampton Inn. 53 Old Bedford Road, Westport, MA 02790. 508-675-8500.
Thursday, November 17, 2022. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Webinar. Register here.
Written comments may be submitted by any of the methods listed below. Comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23, 2022.
Email to: (use subject “SCOQ Species Separation”)
Online at:
Mail to: Chris Moore, Ph.D., Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 800 North State Street, Suite 201, Dover, DE 19901. Mark the outside of the envelope " SCOQ Species Separation.”
The New England Fishery Management Council has scheduled seven public information workshops to help inform fishermen and other stakeholders about ecosystem-based fishery management (EBFM) and its potential application to a Georges Bank Ecosystem Production Unit. The Council has been referring to this approach as an example Fishery Management Plan for Georges Bank (eFEP).
Given the potential implications for Mid-Atlantic fisheries and stakeholders, one of the workshops will be held in Montauk, NY on November 9. Please note that the workshop originally planned for Manahawkin, NJ has been cancelled. Learn more and register at the links below.
Register for the Workshops > HERE
Meeting Notice with all Workshop Dates (updated 11/2/22)
Visit the Council’s EBFM Public Information Workshops and Outreach Materials webpage to download EBFM infographics, brochures, guides, and other educational resources.
Watch the five-minute Introductory Video.
Read the EBFM Workshops Press Release (updated 11/2/22).
QUESTIONS? Contact Senior Fishery Analyst Andrew Applegate, the Council’s EBFM lead, at
This is part of a series of working group meetings associated with the 2022 Spiny Dogfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details.
*** Please note that assessment working group meeting meetings are hosted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Webinar connection information for these meetings is only available on the working group page (linked above) and will not be posted on the Council calendar. ***
Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.
Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.
After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.
Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.
This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Black Sea Bass Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Black Sea Bass Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details (scroll down to the “Schedule” section). This meeting is open to the public.
Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.
Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.
After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.
Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.
This is part of a series of working group meetings associated with the 2022 Spiny Dogfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details.
*** Please note that assessment working group meeting meetings are hosted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Webinar connection information for these meetings is only available on the working group page (linked above) and will not be posted on the Council calendar. ***
Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.
Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.
After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.
Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.
This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Black Sea Bass Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Golden Tilefish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details (scroll down to the “Schedule” section). This meeting is open to the public.
Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.
Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.
After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.
Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Monitoring Committee (MC) will meet on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held via webinar.
The MC will meet to discuss considerations for developing 2023 recreational management measures for all three species. These discussions will inform additional analysis that will be conducted prior to another meeting of the MC in November. During this first meeting, the MC will review 1) the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Percent Change Process approved by the Council in June 2022, 2) the results of the recently completed Summer Flounder Management Strategy Evaluation which explored strategies to reduce recreational discards, and 3) two recreational harvest estimation models that could be used to inform development of 2023 management measures. The MC will discuss the implications of these issues for development of 2023 recreational management measures, which will be further discussed at a subsequent MC meeting in November 2022.
Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2340 972 4610; Password: SFSBSB_MC_2022). After you connect you will have the option to choose whether to use your phone or computer microphone and speakers for audio.
Phone-Only Access: 1-415-655-0001; Access code:2340 972 4610. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.
Overview of Process for Setting 2023 Recreational Management Measures for Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass (minor revisions 10/24/22)
Recreational Summer Flounder Management Strategy Evaluation Results
Supplemental: MSE Model Specifications Summary
See also: Description of Recreational Demand Model linked below.
The MAFMC will hold a public meeting regarding a video-based boat count project being conducted at the Ocean City, Maryland inlet. The purpose of the meeting is to finalize a boat - counting procedure.
This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and webinar options for participation.
In-person location:
Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce 12320 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, MD 21842
Webex Meeting Link:
Meeting number (access code): 2349 586 6034
Meeting password: nxKr3NPmH26
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
+1-646-992-2010 United States Toll (New York City)
If you have trouble viewing the content on this page, click here.
As the next step in the climate change scenario planning initiative, three manager “brainstorming sessions” will be held in September/October 2022 with small groups of fishery managers from each participating organization. The purpose of these webinars is to generate ideas for possible actions and strategies managers might consider as the result of these scenarios. These ideas will feed into materials for meetings later this year where each management body will discuss recommended applications resulting from the scenario planning process.
Click here to join the webinar.
These meetings will function as working group meetings of a cross-section of managers from different participating organizations. Public comment may be taken at designated times.
Draft Scenario Narratives - Revised September 2022
Additional information is available on the Climate Change Scenario Planning Web Page and in the Introductory brochure.
The Council is holding a joint meeting with our Tilefish AP and Communications and Outreach AP to discuss ways to improve angler awareness of the tilefish permit and reporting requirements. Webinar details are posted below. Supporting documents and additional details will be posted at a later date.
Click here to join the September 28 Joint Communications and Outreach and Tilefish Advisory Panel meeting (if prompted, enter Meeting number: 2337 519 8806; Meeting password: Tilefish). After you connect, you will have an opportunity to choose whether you want to use your phone or computer mic/speakers for audio.
For telephone-only access, dial +1-415-655-0001 (US Toll) and enter access code 2337 519 8806.
Staff Contact: Hannah Hart -, (302) 526-5263
Please note that the start/end times listed above and other meeting details are subject to change. Please check the NEFMC website linked above for updates.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is one of eight fishery management councils responsible for the management of marine fisheries in the United States Exclusive Economic Zone. The council develops management plans for twelve species of fish and species off the coast of the Mid-Atlantic region.