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6:00 PM18:00

DE, MD, VA, PRFC, and NC Hearing on Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda (Webinar)

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.

This hearing will be conducted by webinar.


Background Information

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6:00 PM18:00

NJ and CT Hearing on Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda (Webinar)

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.

This hearing will be conducted by webinar.


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6:00 PM18:00

RI Hearing on Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda (Hybrid)

  • University of Rhode Island Bay Campus Corless Auditorium (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.

This is a hybrid meeting (both in-person and virtual).


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6:00 PM18:00

NY Hearing on Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda (Hybrid)

  • Marine Resources Headquarters, NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


Background Information

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6:00 PM18:00

ME, NH, and MA Hearing on Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda (Webinar)

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.

This hearing will be conducted by webinar.


Background Information

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6:00 PM18:00

Public Hearing #2: Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Exemptions Framework/Addendum (Copy)

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled two virtual public hearings to gather input on the Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Exemptions Framework/Addendum. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.

Written comments will be accepted through September 28, 2024. Please see the Commission’s press release for comment instructions.

Visit the Council’s Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Size Exemptions Framework/Addendum page to learn more about this action.

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6:00 PM18:00

Public Hearing #1: Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Exemptions Framework/Addendum

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled two virtual public hearings to gather input on the Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Exemptions Framework/Addendum. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.

Written comments will be accepted through September 28, 2024. Please see the Commission’s press release for comment instructions.

Visit the Council’s Summer Flounder Commercial Mesh Size Exemptions Framework/Addendum page to learn more about this action.

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6:30 PM18:30

Public Hearing: Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements (Boston, MA)

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is requesting public comments on a draft amendment to modify the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. Comments may be submitted at any of three public hearings to be held on May 9, 14, and 16. Written comments will also be accepted through May 30, 2024.

This action is intended to address the increased frequency of mixed catches in these fisheries, an issue raised by the clam fishing industry. Current regulations do not allow for surfclam and ocean quahog to be landed on the same trip or placed in the same cages. The mixing of catches has created challenges related to catch monitoring, allocation tracking, and enforcement. Industry has also reported that the increasing frequency of mixed catches will impact onboard fisheries operations, creating logistical and economic challenges in the long-term that need to be addressed.

The Public Hearing Document describes a range of management approaches (“alternatives”) that could address this issue and provides a summary of associated impacts. At the June 2024 Council Meeting, the Council will review public input and recommend an alternative to NOAA Fisheries for review and rulemaking.

Public Hearings

Comments may be submitted at any of the following public hearings:

  1. Thursday, May 9, 2024. 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Webinar.

  2. Tuesday, May 14, 2024. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport, 9000 Bartram Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153. 215-365-4500.

  3. Thursday, May 16, 2024. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Hyatt Place Boston/Braintree, 50 Forbes Rd, Braintree, MA 02184 781-848-0600.

Written Comments

Written comments may be submitted by any of the methods listed below. Comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on May 30, 2024.

For more information, contact Jessica Coakley (, 302-526-5252) or visit

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6:30 PM18:30

Public Hearing: Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements (Philadelphia, PA)

  • Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is requesting public comments on a draft amendment to modify the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. Comments may be submitted at any of three public hearings to be held on May 9, 14, and 16. Written comments will also be accepted through May 30, 2024.

This action is intended to address the increased frequency of mixed catches in these fisheries, an issue raised by the clam fishing industry. Current regulations do not allow for surfclam and ocean quahog to be landed on the same trip or placed in the same cages. The mixing of catches has created challenges related to catch monitoring, allocation tracking, and enforcement. Industry has also reported that the increasing frequency of mixed catches will impact onboard fisheries operations, creating logistical and economic challenges in the long-term that need to be addressed.

The Public Hearing Document describes a range of management approaches (“alternatives”) that could address this issue and provides a summary of associated impacts.. At the June 2024 Council Meeting, the Council will review public input and recommend an alternative to NOAA Fisheries for review and rulemaking.

Public Hearings

Comments may be submitted at any of the following public hearings:

  1. Thursday, May 9, 2024. 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Webinar.

  2. Tuesday, May 14, 2024. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport, 9000 Bartram Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153. 215-365-4500.

  3. Thursday, May 16, 2024. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Hyatt Place Boston/Braintree, 50 Forbes Rd, Braintree, MA 02184 781-848-0600.

Written Comments

Written comments may be submitted by any of the methods listed below. Comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on May 30, 2024.

For more information, contact Jessica Coakley (, 302-526-5252) or visit

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6:00 PM18:00

Public Hearing: Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements (Webinar)

Webinar Connection Details

This hearing will be conducted on the Webex webinar platform. No pre-registration is needed.

  • Click here to join the meeting - If prompted, enter Meeting Number (access code): 2336 086 1589; Password: 2024May9_SCOQ

  • Join by phone: +1-415-655-0001 (US Toll)

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is requesting public comments on a draft amendment to modify the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. Comments may be submitted at any of three public hearings to be held on May 9, 14, and 16. Written comments will also be accepted through May 30, 2024.

This action is intended to address the increased frequency of mixed catches in these fisheries, an issue raised by the clam fishing industry. Current regulations do not allow for surfclam and ocean quahog to be landed on the same trip or placed in the same cages. The mixing of catches has created challenges related to catch monitoring, allocation tracking, and enforcement. Industry has also reported that the increasing frequency of mixed catches will impact onboard fisheries operations, creating logistical and economic challenges in the long-term that need to be addressed.

The Public Hearing Document describes a range of management approaches (“alternatives”) that could address this issue and provides a summary of associated impacts. At the June 2024 Council Meeting, the Council will review public input and recommend an alternative to NOAA Fisheries for review and rulemaking.

Public Hearings

Comments may be submitted at any of the following public hearings:

  1. Thursday, May 9, 2024. 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Webinar (see connection details at top of page).

  2. Tuesday, May 14, 2024. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport, 9000 Bartram Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153. 215-365-4500.

  3. Thursday, May 16, 2024. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Hyatt Place Boston/Braintree, 50 Forbes Rd, Braintree, MA 02184 781-848-0600.

Written Comments

Written comments may be submitted by any of the methods listed below. Comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on May 30, 2024.

For more information, contact Jessica Coakley (, 302-526-5252) or visit

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6:00 PM18:00

Public Hearing #3: Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements Amendment

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is requesting public comments on a draft amendment to modify the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. Comments may be submitted at any of three public hearings to be held on November 10, 14, and 17. Written comments will also be accepted through November 23.

Public Hearings

Comments may be submitted at any of the following public hearings:

  1. Thursday, November 10, 2022. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport. 9000 Bartram Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153. 215-365-4500.

  2. Canceled Monday, November 14, 2022. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Hampton Inn. 53 Old Bedford Road, Westport, MA 02790. 508-675-8500.

  3. Thursday, November 17, 2022. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Webinar. Register here.

Written Comments

Written comments may be submitted by any of the methods listed below. Comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23, 2022.

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3:00 PM15:00

Virtual Hearing on Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument Omnibus Amendment

NOAA Fisheries is collecting stakeholder input on the development of an omnibus amendment to incorporate the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument into relevant fishery management plans (FMPs). This amendment would incorporate the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument’s area and commercial fishing prohibition into FMPs and, ultimately, fishery regulations. NOAA Fisheries is asking for feedback on this action through November 30, 2022.

How to Comment

A virtual hearing will be held on November 16, 2022, at 3:00 pm. Visit the links below for more information.

Written comments can be submitted by emailing Laura Deighan at  Include in the subject line "Comments on Monument Amendment." Comments can be submitted through November 30, 2022.

Following this hearing, additional opportunities for review and comment on the draft omnibus amendment will be provided.  

Visit the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument page for more details.


Contact Laura Deighan, Sustainable Fisheries, 978-281-9184

Media: Contact Allison Ferreira, Regional Office, 978-281-9103

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6:30 PM18:30

Public Hearing #1: Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements Amendment

  • Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is requesting public comments on a draft amendment to modify the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. Comments may be submitted at any of three public hearings to be held on November 10, 14, and 17. Written comments will also be accepted through November 23.

Public Hearings

Comments may be submitted at any of the following public hearings:

  1. Thursday, November 10, 2022. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Embassy Suites Philadelphia Airport. 9000 Bartram Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153. 215-365-4500.

  2. Monday, November 14, 2022. 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Hampton Inn. 53 Old Bedford Road, Westport, MA 02790. 508-675-8500.

  3. Thursday, November 17, 2022. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Webinar. Register here.

Written Comments

Written comments may be submitted by any of the methods listed below. Comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23, 2022.

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6:30 PM18:30

Ocean City Video-Based Boat Count Project Public Meeting

The MAFMC will hold a public meeting regarding a video-based boat count project being conducted at the Ocean City, Maryland inlet. The purpose of the meeting is to finalize a boat - counting procedure.

Meeting Location:

This will be a hybrid meeting, with both in-person and webinar options for participation.

In-person location:

Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce 12320 Ocean Gateway, Ocean City, MD 21842

Webex Meeting Link:

Meeting number (access code): 2349 586 6034

Meeting password: nxKr3NPmH26

Join by phone

+1-415-655-0001 US Toll

+1-646-992-2010 United States Toll (New York City)

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6:00 PM18:00

Public Hearing #5: Mackerel Rebuilding Amendment (Webinar)

Webinar Connection Details

This hearing will be conducted on the Webex webinar platform. No pre-registration is needed.

  • Click Here to Join the Webinar (if prompted, enter Meeting number: 2349 677 3292; Meeting password: 8g86rASGcvr). After you connect, you will have an opportunity to choose whether you want to use your phone or computer mic/speakers for audio.

  • For telephone-only access, dial +1-415-655-0001 (US Toll) and enter access code 2349 677 3292.

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6:00 PM18:00

Public Hearing #1: Mackerel Rebuilding Amendment (New Bedford, MA)

  • Fairfield Inn and Suites (New Bedford, MA) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking public input on a proposed amendment to rebuild the Atlantic mackerel stock. Comments may be submitted at any of five public hearings to be held between April 25 and May 2, 2022 or via written comment through May 9, 2022.

A 2021 stock assessment found that Atlantic mackerel was overfished and that overfishing was occurring. Although a rebuilding plan was implemented in November 2019, the 2021 assessment found that the stock was unlikely to rebuild as anticipated. The stock size increased 180% between 2014 and 2019 but was still less than a quarter rebuilt. In response to this updated information, the Council is developing a new rebuilding plan.

The Atlantic Mackerel Rebuilding 2.0 Amendment contains five rebuilding alternatives projected to rebuild the stock within 10 years. Potential management measures include commercial quotas, recreational bag/possession limits, a 3-inch commercial minimum mesh requirement, and permitting clarifications. The action would also set specifications and a river herring and shad cap for 2023. Please see the Overview of Rebuilding Alternatives and Public Hearing Document or watch the public hearing presentation for additional information about the management options considered in this amendment.

Public Hearing Schedule

  1. New Bedford, MA Monday April 25, 2022, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
    Fairfield Inn and Suites - 185 MacArthur Drive, New Bedford, MA 02740, (774) 634-2000

  2. Plymouth, MA Tuesday April 26, 2022, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
    Hilton Garden Inn - 4 Home Depot Drive, Plymouth, MA 02360, (508) 830-0200

  3. Portsmouth, NH Wednesday April 27, 2022, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
    Urban Forestry Center - 45 Elwyn Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801, (603) 431-6774

  4. Brunswick, ME Thursday April 28, 2022, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
    Curtis Memorial Library (Morrell Meeting Room) - 23 Pleasant Street, Brunswick, ME 04011, (207) 725-5242

  5. Webinar Monday, May 2, 2022, 6:00 – 10:00 p.m.

These meetings are physically accessible to people with disabilities.  Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aid should be directed to Shelley Spedden, (302) 526-5251, at least 5 days prior to the meeting date.

Written Comments

Written comments may be submitted through May 9, 2022 by any of the following methods:


For more information, contact Jason Didden at (also 302-526-5254) or visit the Atlantic Mackerel Rebuilding Amendment page.

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6:00 PM18:00

MA DMF Public Hearing on Harvest Control Rule Draft Addenda

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/ Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


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6:00 PM18:00

NYSDEC Public Hearing on Harvest Control Rule Draft Addenda

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/ Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


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6:00 PM18:00

CT DEEP Public Hearing on Harvest Control Rule Draft Addenda

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/ Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


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6:00 PM18:00

MD DNR and PRFC Public Hearing on Harvest Control Rule Draft Addenda

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/ Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


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6:00 PM18:00

NJ DEP and DE DNREC Public Hearing on Harvest Control Rule Draft Addenda

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/ Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


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6:00 PM18:00

RI DEM Public Hearing on Harvest Control Rule Draft Addenda

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/ Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


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6:00 PM18:00

ME DMR and NH Fish and Game Public Hearing on Harvest Control Rule Draft Addenda

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/ Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


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6:00 PM18:00

VMRC Public Hearing on Harvest Control Rule Draft Addenda

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/ Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action.


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