MAFMC Research Priorities
The Magnuson-Stevens Act (MSA) requires that each federal Council develop a five-year research priorities document. The research priorities developed by the Council should address “fisheries, fisheries interactions, habitat and other areas of research that are necessary for management purposes.” NOAA Fisheries and the regional science centers are to consider these research priorities when developing their own research priorities and budgets within the region of the associated Council(s).
2025-2029 Research Priorities
In December 2024, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council approved a Comprehensive Five-Year (2025-2029) Research Priorities document. This document builds off the organizational and prioritization framework implemented during the development of the 2020-2024 document and has been updated to incorporate the extensive input received throughout 2024. The broad research themes and species-specific priorities included in the new document reflect the current state of scientific knowledge and the Council’s management challenges and science needs.