Council Webinars
Learn how to connect and participate in Council webinars.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council uses Webex to provide remote access to many meetings. Some meetings are conducted entirely by webinar, while other meetings are held in-person with the option to participate or listen remotely via webinar. The Council’s Webinar Policy provides details about types of webinar access typically available for various types of meetings. The webinar participation guide linked below provides general instructions for joining and participating in Council-hosted webinars. Procedures may vary from meeting to meeting. Always check the relevant page on the Council’s web calendar for additional details and instructions and contact the relevant staff person if you have any questions.
This page provides detailed step-by-step instructions for joining a meeting from Windows and Mac computers, IOS and Android devices, and internet browsers. If you are having webinar issues, please try these troubleshooting steps to see if your question is addressed there.
If you need further assistance, contact Stephen Pearson (, (302) 526-5256) or the staff contact person listed on the relevant meeting page.