10:00 AM10:00

Spiny Dogfish Research Track Working Group Meeting

The Spiny Dogfish Research Track Working Group will meet Tuesday, December 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This is part of a series of working group meetings associated with the 2022 Spiny Dogfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details. (scroll down to the “Schedule” section and click on the “Day 5” tab).

*** Please note that assessment working group meeting meetings are hosted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Webinar connection information for these meetings is only available on the working group page (linked above) and will not be posted on the Council calendar. ***

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.

Quick Links

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1:00 PM13:00

Illex Research Track Working Group Meeting

The Illex Research Track Assessment Working Group will meet on December 17, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Illex Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Illex Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details (scroll down to the “Schedule” section and click on the “Day 10” tab). This meeting is open to the public.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.

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8:00 AM08:00

Illex Research Track Working Group Meeting

The Illex Research Track Assessment Working Group will meet on December 16, 2021 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Illex Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Illex Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details (scroll down to the “Schedule” section and click on the “Day 9” tab). This meeting is open to the public.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.

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9:00 AM09:00

Butterfish Research Track Assessment Working Group Meeting

The Butterfish Research Track Assessment Working Group will meet on December 14, 2021 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Butterfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Butterfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details. This meeting is open to the public.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.

Quick Links

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1:15 PM13:15

Bluefish Research Track Working Group Meeting

The Bluefish Research Track Working Group will meet on Wednesday, September 1, 2021, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Bluefish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Bluefish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details (you may need to click to the appropriate tab under the Schedule heading to view webinar info). This meeting is open to the public.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.

Quick Links

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9:30 AM09:30

Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Committee and Advisory Panel Meeting

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Committee and Advisory Panel will meet together, via webinar on Monday, December 6, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to review and discuss the draft document being prepared for the Council to address issues related to the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries. The Committee may develop recommendations for next steps related to this issue, to be presented to the full Council at their December meeting.

 Contact: Jessica Coakley,, 302-526-5252

Webinar Information

Meeting Materials

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9:00 AM09:00

Harvest Control Rule FMAT/PDT Meeting

The Recreational Reform Initiative FMAT/PDT will meet via webinar on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, from 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. For additional information contact Julia Beaty at

Webinar Information

  • Click here to join the meeting (If prompted, enter Meeting number 2330 956 7292; Meeting password: 6tE8PKE6efg)

  • Join by phone: 1-844-621-3956 (access code: 2330 956 7292)

About FMAT Meetings

Fishery Management Action Team (FMAT) meetings are working meetings of the Council, NOAA Fisheries, and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission staff. Information on FMAT meeting locations for in-person meetings may be obtained by contacting Council staff prior to the meeting. This information is not posted to the Council’s website. The date and time of FMAT meetings are generally posted to the calendar on the Council’s website, sometimes with very little notice. FMAT members may discuss topics listed on the agenda in any order and may also discuss topics not listed. Members of the public may attend FMAT meetings, or listen to the meetings if they are broadcast, but should not expect to participate in the discussion unless the FMAT chair invites public input during a specified public comment period to be noted at the beginning of the meeting. Work carried out by the FMAT is considered during committee and/or Council meetings, during which public comments are encouraged.

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10:00 AM10:00

Ecosystem and Ocean Planning Committee Meeting

The Council’s Ecosystem and Ocean Planning Committee will meet by webinar on November 29, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to develop recommendations to the Council regarding offshore wind energy policy.

Meeting Objectives:

  • Review NEFMC Habitat PDT, Habitat Advisory Panel, and Habitat Committee recommendations for revisions to offshore wind energy policy.

  • Review EOP Advisory Panel recommendations for offshore wind energy policy.

  • Develop recommendations to Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council regarding offshore wind energy policy.

Meeting Materials

Webinar Information

  • Click here to join the webinar (if prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2343 850 7253; Password: Hpt4Sicvv34).

  • Audio Options: Participants can use their computer mic/speakers or telephone for webinar audio. Once you have joined the webinar at the link above, you will be able to select your audio options. If you have an unstable internet connection, we recommend using the “call in” option. To use your phone to connect to audio, first sign into the webinar link above, then look for the “call in” option (if you don’t see this, look for the “use computer audio” button, which will have a little down arrow next to it that you can click on – that should bring up the “call in” option). That will give you a prompt with the phone number, access code, and Attendee ID#. Please make sure to use the Attendee ID# on your screen, as that will allow us to identify you on our end.

  • Phone-Only Access: 1-844-621-3956 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2343 850 7253. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.

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5:00 PM17:00

Commercial Electronic Reporting (eVTR) Q&A Session

On November 10, 2021, NOAA Fisheries implemented a new requirement that all commercial vessels with federal permits for species managed by the Mid-Atlantic or New England Council submit vessel trip reports (VTRs) electronically as eVTRs within 48 hours of the end of a trip. Vessel operators have several NOAA Fisheries-approved eVTR applications to choose from. Many commercial operators have chosen the eTrips/mobile 2 or NOAA Fish Online.

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will hold an informal question and answer session on Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Participants can join by Webex webinar or call in by phone (details below). Staff from the Mid-Atlantic Council, NOAA/GARFO, and ACCSP will be available to answer your questions about all things related to electronic reporting and using eTrips/mobile 2 or NOAA Fish Online. The webinar will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will be open for at least an hour, but staff will remain online longer if needed to address any outstanding questions.

This is a great opportunity to get answers to your questions about using eTrips/mobile 2 or Fish Online. Questions that have been addressed in recent training webinars include:

  • Can I report the use of different gears or different fishing areas in a single trip?

  • Can I edit a trip once I have submitted it?

  • How can I complete my trip if I don’t have WiFi or cellular connection at sea?

Webinar and Call-In Information

  • Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting number (access code): 2349 514 7094 and Meeting password: 7RUsGsrY3P9)

  • To join by phone, dial 1-844-621-3956 and enter access code 2349 514 7094

Additional eVTR Resources

The pages and videos linked below provide information to help get you started.


Past Training Webinars

The Council and GARFO have both hosted training webinars with step-by-step demonstrations of electronic reporting applications. Recordings from those webinars are available at the link below.

eVTR Tutorials

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2:00 PM14:00

Joint Meeting of the MAFMC and ASMFC Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Advisory Panels

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Advisory Panel will meet jointly with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Advisory Panel on Thursday, November 18, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. This meeting will be conducted by webinar. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss 2022 federal waters recreational management measures (i.e., possession limits, fish size limits, and open and closed seasons) for all three species.

Webinar Connection

  • Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2337 015 0377; Password: zDCPV6pRp53)

  • Audio Options: Participants can use their computer mic/speakers or telephone for webinar audio. Once you have joined the webinar at the link above, you will be able to select your audio options. If you have an unstable internet connection, we recommend using the “call in” option. To use your phone to connect to audio, first sign into the webinar link above, then look for the “call in” option (if you don’t see this, look for the “use computer audio” button, which will have a little down arrow next to it that you can click on – that should bring up the “call in” option). That will give you a prompt with the phone number, access code, and Attendee ID#. Please make sure to use the Attendee ID# on your screen, as that will allow us to identify you on our end.

  • Phone-Only Access: 1-844-621-3956 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2337 015 0377. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.

Meeting Materials

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10:00 AM10:00

Ecosystem and Ocean Planning Advisory Panel Meeting

The Council’s Ecosystem and Ocean Planning Advisory Panel will meet by webinar on November 18, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., to develop recommendations to the Ecosystem and Ocean Planning Committee regarding offshore wind energy policy.

Meeting Objectives:

  • Review NEFMC Habitat PDT, Habitat Advisory Panel, and Habitat Committee recommendations for revisions to offshore wind energy policy.

  • Develop recommendations to the Ecosystem and Ocean Planning Committee regarding offshore wind energy policy.

Meeting Materials

Webinar Information

  • Click here to join the webinar (if prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2343 920 6213; Password: jGky5Gmnm45).

  • Audio Options: Participants can use their computer mic/speakers or telephone for webinar audio. Once you have joined the webinar at the link above, you will be able to select your audio options. If you have an unstable internet connection, we recommend using the “call in” option. To use your phone to connect to audio, first sign into the webinar link above, then look for the “call in” option (if you don’t see this, look for the “use computer audio” button, which will have a little down arrow next to it that you can click on – that should bring up the “call in” option). That will give you a prompt with the phone number, access code, and Attendee ID#. Please make sure to use the Attendee ID# on your screen, as that will allow us to identify you on our end.

  • Phone-Only Access: 1-844-621-3956 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2343 920 6213. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.

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1:00 PM13:00

Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements FMAT Meeting

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Species Separation Requirements Fishery Management Action Team (FMAT) will meet via webinar on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 from 1 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is for the FMAT to continue their work on a draft document being prepared for the Council to address issues related to the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries.

Contact: Jessica Coakley,, 302-526-5252

Webinar Information

About FMAT Meetings

Fishery Management Action Team (FMAT) meetings are working meetings of the Council, NOAA Fisheries, and Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission staff. Information on FMAT meeting locations for in-person meetings may be obtained by contacting Council staff prior to the meeting. This information is not posted to the Council’s website. The date and time of FMAT meetings are generally posted to the calendar on the Council’s website, sometimes with very little notice. FMAT members may discuss topics listed on the agenda in any order and may also discuss topics not listed. Members of the public may attend FMAT meetings, or listen to the meetings if they are broadcast, but should not expect to participate in the discussion unless the FMAT chair invites public input during a specified public comment period to be noted at the beginning of the meeting. Work carried out by the FMAT is considered during committee and/or Council meetings, during which public comments are encouraged.

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1:00 PM13:00

Butterfish Research Track Assessment Working Group Meeting

The Butterfish Research Track Assessment Working Group will meet on November 16, 2021 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Butterfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Butterfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details. This meeting is open to the public.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment. Butterfish and Illex squid are both scheduled for management track assessments in 2022.

Quick Links

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10:00 AM10:00

Research Steering Committee Meeting

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Research Steering Committee met via webinar on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 to review proposed updates to the Council’s Five Year (2020-2024) Research Priorities document and to also develop the objectives and agenda for planned in-person workshop regarding the redevelopment of the Council’s Research Set-Aside (RSA) program. Committee feedback and recommendations on both topics will be presented to the full Council at their December meeting.

Staff Contact: Brandon Muffley,

Meeting Materials

Review of 2020-2024 Council Research Priorities

Development of February In-Person RSA Workshop Agenda

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1:00 PM13:00

Illex Research Track Working Group Meeting

The Illex Research Track Assessment Working Group will meet on November 15, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Illex Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Illex Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details. This meeting is open to the public.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.

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10:00 AM10:00

Spiny Dogfish Research Track Working Group Meeting

The Spiny Dogfish Research Track Working Group will meet Monday November 15, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. This is part of a series of working group meetings associated with the 2022 Spiny Dogfish Research Track Assessment.

Meeting Details

Please visit the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details (Click on “Day 3” under the Schedule heading). This meeting is open to the public. Information on past and future working group meetings can also be found on the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page.

*** Please note that assessment working group meeting meetings are hosted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Webinar connection information for these meetings is only available on the working group page (linked above) and will not be posted on the Council calendar. ***

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.

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9:00 AM09:00

Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Monitoring Committee Meeting

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council's Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Monitoring Committee will meet via webinar on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to develop recommendations for 2022 federal waters recreational management measures (i.e., possession limits, fish size limits, and open and closed seasons) for all three species.

Webinar Connection

  • Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting Number: 2340 054 8091; Password: 2Ap7XnkKMZ6)

  • Audio Options: Participants can use their computer mic/speakers or telephone for webinar audio. Once you have joined the webinar at the link above, you will be able to select your audio options. If you have an unstable internet connection, we recommend using the “call in” option. To use your phone to connect to audio, first sign into the webinar link above, then look for the “call in” option (if you don’t see this, look for the “use computer audio” button, which will have a little down arrow next to it that you can click on – that should bring up the “call in” option). That will give you a prompt with the phone number, access code, and Attendee ID#. Please make sure to use the Attendee ID# on your screen, as that will allow us to identify you on our end.

  • Phone-Only Access: 1-844-621-3956 (U.S. Toll Free); Access code: 2340 054 8091. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or device. Otherwise follow the audio connection prompts to call in when you join the webinar.

Meeting Materials

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to Nov 9

Summer Flounder MSE Core Stakeholder Group Workshop 2

The Summer Flounder MSE Core Stakeholder Group met via webinar November 8-9, 2021. For additional information, contact Brandon Muffley at  


About Summer Flounder MSE Core Stakeholder Group Workshops

What is the Core Stakeholder Group and who is in it? The Summer Flounder MSE Core Stakeholder Group is comprised of approximately 15 stakeholders representing the range of fishery perspectives and will function as the main source of input to a technical work group and management to progress through the management strategy evaluation (MSE). More information about the Core Stakeholder Group including membership and the process used to identify members can be found in the Summer Flounder MSE Core Stakeholder Group Selection document.

Who will participate in the Core Stakeholder Group Workshops? Workshop participants will include members of the Core Stakeholder Group and the technical work group, which is composed of state, federal, and academic scientists and staff.

How can I find the webinar connection information or location details for the in-person workshops? Information on Core Stakeholder Group workshop locations and how to connect via phone or webinar (if available) may be obtained by contacting Council staff prior to the workshop. This information may not always be posted to the Council’s website.

Where can I find information about future workshops? The date, time, and location of the workshops are generally posted to the calendar on the Council’s website, sometimes with very little notice. The agenda and meeting materials will be posted on the workshop website, but topics on the agenda may be discussed in any order and may also discuss topics not listed.

Can I participate if I’m not in the Core Stakeholder Group? Members of the public may attend Core Stakeholder Group workshops, or listen to the workshops if they are broadcast, but public participation will be limited and depend on the time available. Work carried out by the Core Stakeholder Group is considered during committee and/or Council meetings, during which public comments are encouraged.

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4:00 PM16:00

Electronic Reporting Software Demo Webinar

Beginning on November 10, 2021, all commercial vessels with federal permits for species managed by the Mid-Atlantic or New England Council will be required to submit vessel trip reports (VTRs) electronically as eVTRs within 48 hours of the end of a trip. See our Commercial eVTR page for additional details about the new requirements.

The MAFMC will host a training workshop via webinar on Tuesday, November 2, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This workshop will include a step by step tutorial of ACCSP’s free software application eTrips Mobile 2 followed by time for questions. This app is compatible with Windows 10 (PC), and both Apple/Android phone and tablet platforms. To benefit from this step by step tutorial, we recommend downloading the eTrips Mobile 2 app and obtaining a SAFIS Username and Password before the workshop:

Webinar Details

  • Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting number (access code): 2332 243 8511 and Meeting password: FNubkJG3X24)

  • To join by phone, dial 1-844-621-3956 and enter access code 2332 243 8511

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1:00 PM13:00

Butterfish Research Track Assessment Working Group Meeting

The Butterfish Research Track Assessment Working Group will meet on October 28, 2021 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Butterfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Butterfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details. This meeting is open to the public.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment. Butterfish and Illex squid are both scheduled for management track assessments in 2022.

Quick Links

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5:00 PM17:00

Commercial Electronic Reporting (eVTR) Q&A Session

Beginning on November 10, 2021, all commercial vessels with federal permits for species managed by the Mid-Atlantic or New England Council will be required to submit vessel trip reports (VTRs) electronically as eVTRs within 48 hours of the end of a trip. Vessel operators have several NOAA Fisheries-approved eVTR applications to choose from. Many commercial operators have chosen the eTrips/mobile 2 or NOAA Fish Online.

In preparation for the upcoming implementation of these new requirements, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will hold an informal question and answer session on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Participants can join by Webex webinar or call in by phone (details below). Staff from the Mid-Atlantic Council, NOAA/GARFO, and ACCSP will be available to answer your questions about all things related to electronic reporting and using eTrips/mobile 2 or NOAA Fish Online. The webinar will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will be open for at least an hour, but staff will remain online longer if needed to address any outstanding questions.

This is a great opportunity to get answers to your questions about using eTrips/mobile 2 or Fish Online. Questions that have been addressed in recent training webinars include:

  • Can I report the use of different gears or different fishing areas in a single trip?

  • Can I edit a trip once I have submitted it?

  • How can I complete my trip if I don’t have WiFi or cellular connection at sea?

Webinar and Call-In Information

  • Click here to join the webinar (If prompted, enter Meeting number: 2341 450 5348; Meeting password: nKjY7pD6vM2)

  • To join by phone: Dial 1-844-621-3956 and enter Access Code: 23414505348#

Additional eVTR Resources

Commercial fishermen are encouraged to transition to electronic reporting as soon as possible to allow time for any issues to be addressed before the November 10 implementation date. The pages and videos linked below provide information to help get you started.


Past Training Webinars

The Council and GARFO have both hosted training webinars with step-by-step demonstrations of electronic reporting applications. Recordings from those webinars are available at the link below.

eVTR Tutorials

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1:00 PM13:00

Butterfish Research Track Assessment Working Group Meeting

The Butterfish Research Track Assessment Working Group will meet on October 18, 2021 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the Butterfish Research Track Assessment. Please visit the Butterfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details. This meeting is open to the public.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment. Butterfish and Illex squid are both scheduled for management track assessments in 2022.

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9:30 AM09:30

Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Committee Meeting

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Committee will meet via webinar on Friday, October 15, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

The purpose of this meeting is to review the draft document being prepared for the Council to address issues related to the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries.

Briefing Materials

Webinar Details

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9:30 AM09:30

Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Advisory Panel Meeting

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Advisory Panel will meet via webinar on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to provide input on a draft document being prepared for the Council to address issues related to the species separation requirements in the Atlantic surfclam and ocean quahog fisheries.

Briefing Materials

Webinar Details

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4:00 PM16:00

Electronic Reporting Software Demo Webinar

Beginning on November 10, 2021, all commercial vessels with federal permits for species managed by the Mid-Atlantic or New England Council will be required to submit vessel trip reports (VTRs) electronically as eVTRs within 48 hours of the end of a trip. See our Commercial eVTR page for additional details about the new requirements.

The MAFMC will host a training workshop via webinar on Tuesday, October 12th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. This workshop will include a step by step tutorial of ACCSP’s free software application eTrips Mobile 2 followed by time for questions. This app is compatible with Windows 10 (PC), and both Apple/Android phone and tablet platforms. To benefit from this step by step tutorial, we recommend downloading the eTrips Mobile 2 app and obtaining a SAFIS Username and Password before the workshop:

Webinar Details

  • Click here to join the webinar

  • Meeting number (access code): 2347 808 9483

  • Meeting password: dwP5GKHik66

  • Join by phone: 1-844-621-3956; Access code: 2347 808 9483

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12:00 PM12:00

Spiny Dogfish Research Track Working Group Meeting

The Spiny Dogfish Research Track Working Group will meet on Tuesday, October 12, from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. This is one in a series of working group meetings associated with the 2022 Spiny Dogfish Research Track Assessment.

Meeting Details

Please visit the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page on the NOAA Fisheries website for an agenda and webinar connection details (Click on “Day 3” under the Schedule heading). This meeting is open to the public. Information on past and future working group meetings can also be found on the Spiny Dogfish Working Group page.

*** Please note that assessment working group meeting meetings are hosted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Webinar connection information for these meetings is only available on the working group page (linked above) and will not be posted on the Council calendar. ***

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

Working groups carry out the analytical work required for the stock assessment, including developing and implementing the research plan and terms of reference, conducting the necessary research, compiling the results to inform the research track effort, and incorporating other information and public input as appropriate.

What Happens Next?

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment.

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment.

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