Filtering by: SSC
to May 14

May 2025 SSC Meeting

  • Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee will meet May 13-14, 2025. This will be an in person meeting with a virtual option. Please note that the timing and topics may change as agendas are finalized. Check this page for updates.

Anticipated Topics:

  • 2026 ABC reviews: Butterfish, Longfin Squid, Golden Tilefish, Atlantic Surfclam, Ocean Quahog

  • Blueline Tilefish: Joint Tilefish sub-group outcomes, 2026-2028 ABC recommendations

  • Chub Mackerel: 2026-2028 ABC recommendations

  • Update from SSC Work Groups – OFL CV, Joint Meeting(s)

  • Final report/recommendations from 8th National SCS Workshop

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to Jul 24

July 2025 SSC Meeting

  • Le Méridien Philadelphia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee will meet July 22-24, 2025. This will be an in person meeting with a virtual option. Please note that the timing and topics may change as agendas are finalized. Check this page for updates.

Anticipated Topics:

  • Management track assessment results and OFL/ABC recommendations for:

    • Summer Flounder

    • Scup

    • Black Sea Bass

    • Bluefish

    • Atlantic Mackerel

    • Illex Squid

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to Sep 10

September 2025 SSC Meeting

  • Hyatt Place Baltimore/Inner Harbor (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee will meet September 9-10, 2025. This will be an in person meeting (location TBD) with a virtual option. Please note that the timing and topics may change as agendas are finalized. Check this page for updates.

Anticipated Topics:

  • Offshore wind discussion

  • MRIP FES Update and Overview

  • 2026 ABC reviews: Spiny Dogfish

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9:00 AM09:00

SSC Recreational Measures Setting Sub-Group Meeting

The SSC Recreational Measures Setting Sub-Group will meet by webinar on Tuesday, June 18th from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The purpose of this sub-group is to review and provide input on analyses and alternatives being considered by the Council and ASMFC Policy Board as part of the Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Addenda.

 Staff Contact: Brandon Muffley,, (302) 526-5260

Webinar Connection Information

Meeting Materials

About this Meeting

The Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Recreational Measure Setting Sub-Group meetings are working meetings of a sub-group of the SSC. The date and time of sub-group meetings are generally posted to the calendar on the Council’s website, sometimes with very little notice. Sub-group members may discuss topics listed on the agenda in any order and may also discuss topics not listed. Members of the public may attend sub-group meetings, or listen to the meetings if they are broadcast, but should not expect to participate in the discussion unless the sub-group chair invites public input during a specified public comment period to be noted at the beginning of the meeting. Work carried out by the sub-group will ve considered during SSC and/or Council meetings, during which public comments are encouraged.

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9:00 AM09:00

Joint New England and Mid-Atlantic SSC Sub-Group Review – Northeast Regional Habitat Assessment (NRHA)

The joint SSC sub-panel, comprised of SSC members from both the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, will meet via webinar on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is for the sub-panel to review and provide input on initial work products related to the Northeast Regional Marine Fish Habitat Assessment (NRHA).

To register for the webinar, find the agenda, and review background materials – please visit the New England Fishery Management Council website at:

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2:00 PM14:00

SSC Harvest Control Rule Sub-Group

The SSC Harvest Control Rule Sub-Group met by webinar Friday, April 29th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The purpose of this sub-group is to develop recommendations in response to the Council’s request for input on the potential effects of the five primary alternatives being considered in the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/Addenda.

About this Meeting

The Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Harvest Control Rule (HCR) Sub-Group meetings are working meetings of a sub-group of the SSC. The date and time of SSC HCR sub-group meetings are generally posted to the calendar on the Council’s website, sometimes with very little notice. Sub-group members may discuss topics listed on the agenda in any order and may also discuss topics not listed. Members of the public may attend sub-group meetings, or listen to the meetings if they are broadcast, but should not expect to participate in the discussion unless the sub-group chair invites public input during a specified public comment period to be noted at the beginning of the meeting. Work carried out by the sub-group is considered during SSC and/or Council meetings, during which public comments are encouraged.

Staff Contact: Brandon Muffley,, (302) 526-5260

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9:00 AM09:00

SSC Harvest Control Rule Sub-Group

The SSC Harvest Control Rule Sub-Group will meet by webinar Wednesday, April 13, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. The purpose of this sub-group is to develop recommendations in response to the Council’s request for input on the potential effects of the five primary alternatives being considered in the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/Addenda. If available, an agenda will be posted to the page prior to the meeting.

Webinar Details

  • Click here to join the webinar (if prompted, enter Meeting number: 2338 889 4735; Meeting password: pJdCMt6W9k2). After you connect, you will have an opportunity to choose whether you want to use your phone or computer mic/speakers for audio.

  • For telephone-only access, dial +1-415-655-0001 (US Toll) and enter access code 2338 889 4735

About this Meeting

The Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Harvest Control Rule (HCR) Sub-Group meetings are working meetings of a sub-group of the SSC. The date and time of SSC HCR sub-group meetings are generally posted to the calendar on the Council’s website, sometimes with very little notice. Sub-group members may discuss topics listed on the agenda in any order and may also discuss topics not listed. Members of the public may attend sub-group meetings, or listen to the meetings if they are broadcast, but should not expect to participate in the discussion unless the sub-group chair invites public input during a specified public comment period to be noted at the beginning of the meeting. Work carried out by the sub-group is considered during SSC and/or Council meetings, during which public comments are encouraged.

Staff Contact: Brandon Muffley,, (302) 526-5260

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1:00 PM13:00

SSC Harvest Control Rule Sub-Group Meeting

At their February 2022 meeting, the Mid-Atlantic Council and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Policy Board approved a draft Harvest Control Rule (HCR) document for public comment. In addition, they passed a motion requesting Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) input regarding the five primary HCR alternatives that are considered in the draft document. The SSC discussed the HCR framework/addenda at their March meeting and agreed to form a sub-group to help expedite the process and efficiently develop a response to address the Council/ASMFC motion.

The SSC Harvest Control Rule Sub-Group will meet by webinar on Friday, March 25, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Webinar Details

  • Click here to join webinar (if prompted, enter Meeting number: 2349 241 8350; Meeting password: mVeBDMMQ273). After you connect, you will have an opportunity to choose whether you want to use your phone or computer mic/speakers for audio.

  • For telephone-only access, dial +1-415-655-0001 (US Toll) and enter access code 2349 241 8350

About this Meeting

The Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) Harvest Control Rule (HCR) Sub-Group meetings are working meetings of a sub-group of the SSC. The date and time of SSC HCR sub-group meetings are generally posted to the calendar on the Council’s website, sometimes with very little notice. Sub-group members may discuss topics listed on the agenda in any order and may also discuss topics not listed. Members of the public may attend sub-group meetings, or listen to the meetings if they are broadcast, but should not expect to participate in the discussion unless the sub-group chair invites public input during a specified public comment period to be noted at the beginning of the meeting. Work carried out by the sub-group is considered during SSC and/or Council meetings, during which public comments are encouraged.

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10:00 AM10:00

SSC Peer Review Panel - Recreational Models

On September 20, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council convened a peer review panel consisting of members of the Council’s Science and Statistical Committee (SSC) to review two potential recreational management models. Read the final report at the link below.

Background: The two models, a recreational fleet dynamics model and an economic recreational demand model, are being considered for use by the Council’s Fishery Management Action Team (FMAT) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Plan Development Team (PDT) that are developing analyses, materials, and alternatives for the Council and ASMFC Recreational Reform Initiative. The potential use of these models would be part of the development of a Harvest Control Rule currently being considered as one component of the Recreational Reform action. The peer review will help identify potential benefits, uncertainties, and appropriate approaches and considerations of each model for use by the FMAT/PDT. For more information about the Recreational Reform Initiative, please see

Meeting Materials

Background Materials

Recreational Reform Initiative and Recreational Measures

Recreational Fleet Dynamics Model Information

Recreational Economic Demand Model Information

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