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September 2023 SSC Meeting

  • Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore 550 Light Street Baltimore, MD, 21202 United States (map)

The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) will meet September 12-13, 2023 in Baltimore, Maryland. The meeting will be held at the Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore (550 Light Street, Baltimore, MD). This will be an in-person meeting with a virtual option. SSC members, other invited meeting participants, and members of the public will have the option to participate in person at the Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Baltimore or virtually via Webex webinar. Webinar connection instructions and briefing materials will be posted below as they become available.

Staff Contact: Brandon Muffley,, (302) 526-5260

Agenda and Briefing Materials

Offshore Wind Session

  1. Presentation: New tools for tracking recreational effort within wind projects

  2. Presentation: Offshore wind development and climate impacts on mid-Atlantic commercial shellfish fisheries

  3. Presentation: TailWinds: Study on the impact of the US Wind MarWin project on Black Sea Bass fisheries, migratory fishes, and marine mammals

Recreational Setting Measures Setting Process Framework/Addenda

  1. Staff Memo: Framework/Addenda Action Plan

  2. Draft action plan summarizing the alternatives under consideration and the planned timeline

  3. Summary of the July 11, 2023 FMAT/PDT meeting focusing on use of the Summer Flounder MSE model in development of this management action

  4. Presentation

SSC Work Group Updates

  1. August 28, 2023 SSC Ecosystem Work Group Meeting Update

  2. August 24, 2023 SSC OFL CV Sub-Group Meeting Summary

  3. Working Paper: Application of Decomposition Analyses and Sobol Sensitivity Measures to Yield per Recruit and Spawning Stock Biomass per Recruit for several Northeast Species

 Northeast Commercial Port Sampling

  1. Presentation: Overview of Northeast Biological Port Sampling Program

  2. Presentation: Biological Port Sampling Program and Implications for Stock Assessments

Scup Discards and Gear Restricted Area Analysis

  1. Scup GRA Terms of Reference

  2. 2023 Draft Commercial Scup Discards Report and GRA Analysis

  3. Developing a subseasonal ecological forecast to reduce fisheries bycatch in the Northeast U.S. (Roberts et al. 2023)

  4. Presentation

Atlantic Mackerel

  1. 2023 Atlantic Mackerel Management Track Assessment Report (8/29/23 version)

  2. Matrix of Potential Stock Projection Alternatives

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