Final Rule (10/1/24)
Joint Framework Action to Reduce Sturgeon Bycatch in Dogfish and Monkfish Fisheries
Final Rule (12/18/24)
Illex Vessel Hold Capacity Framework (FW 16)
Final Rule (10/29/24)
Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Commercial/Recreational Allocation Amendment
Final Rule (11/17/22)
Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/Addenda
Final Rule (3/9/23)
Atlantic Mackerel Rebuilding 2.0 Amendment with Specifications (Amendment 23)
Final Rule (2/1/23)
Bluefish Allocation and Rebuilding Amendment
Final Rule (11/24/21)
Golden Tilefish Multi-Year Specifications Framework (Framework 7)
Final Rule (11/14/22)
Summer Flounder Commercial Issues Amendment (Amendment 21)
Final Rule published 12/14/20
Omnibus Risk Policy Framework
Final Rule published 12/15/20
Omnibus Commercial Electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR) Framework
Final rule published 11/10/20 (effective 11/20/21)
Chub Mackerel Amendment (MSB Amendment 21)
Final Rule published 8/4/20
Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish FMP Goals/Objectives and Illex Permits Amendment (Amendment 22)
Majority disapproved (9/6/22)
Atlantic Mackerel Rebuilding Framework with Specifications (MSB Framework 13)
Final rule published 10/30/19
Atlantic Mackerel Closure Provisions Framework (MSB Framework 12)
Final Rule published 12/20/18
Recreational Black Sea Bass Wave 1 Letter of Authorization (LOA) Framework
Summer Flounder, Scup and Black Sea Bass Commercial Accountability Measures Framework
Final Rule published October 25, 2018
Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Framework Framework on Conservation Equivalency, Block Island Sound Transit, and Slot Limits
Final Rule published 11/29/19
Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Excessive Shares Amendment (Amendment 20)
Final Rule, 11/23/22
Commercial Scup Quota Period Framework
Final Rule published April 19, 2018