Illex Vessel Hold Capacity Framework (FW 16)


This framework considers measures to implement a volumetric vessel hold baseline requirement and an upgrade restriction for all Illex limited access permits. The purpose of this action is to restrict future increases in capacity in the Illex squid fishery. In October 2023, the Council selected preferred alternatives and approved the framework for submission to the National Marine Fisheries Service for review and rulemaking.

Staff Contact: Jason Didden,, (302) 526-5254


The Council previously proposed modifications to the permitting and management of the Illex squid fishery as part of Amendment 22 to the Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish Fishery Management Plan. Amendment 22 proposed a tiered permitting system which would have eliminated a portion of limited access permits from the directed fishery and implemented new restrictions for some permit holders. These changes were intended to both reduce excess capacity in the fishery and reduce the negative effects from a race to fish in recent years. In September 2022 NOAA Fisheries disapproved the majority of provisions in Amendment 22. After further dialogue with NOAA Fisheries regarding the disapproval, the Council initiated a framework action to restrict future vessel upgrades for all Illex permits, to address potential additional capacity increases.

Framework Development Timeline and Status

After a framework has been initiated, it is typically considered at two Council meetings, with final action occurring at the second framework meeting. See this document for additional details.

April 2023 Council Meeting: The Council initiated this framework at the April 2023 Council Meeting.

August 2023 Council Meeting: The Council reviewed the draft alternatives and discussed several technical issues related to implementation of such a baseline.

October 2023 Council Meeting: The Council selected preferred alternatives and took final action.

Next Steps: NOAA Fisheries rule-making is pending.

