Jim Gilmore

New York - Appointed At-Large Member (1st term, Exp. 2027)

Jim Gilmore has over 40 years’ experience managing fisheries, natural resources and impact assessment from coastal development, most recently as Director of Marine Resources at NYSDEC before retiring in 2023. 

Mr. Gilmore is a lifelong Long Island, NY south shore native in a large family of marine anglers.  He began his professional career working 11 years at an international consulting firm assessing impacts of power plants on fisheries and aquatic resources.  He originally joined NYSDEC as a marine specialist advancing through numerous leadership positions to his appointment as Marine Division Director in 2007.  During his tenure as Marine Director he served as NY State Director to the MAFMC and Administrative Commissioner on ASMFC serving as Commission Chairman, Vice Chairman and Chairman for several management Boards, Councils and Committees. In New York, he has led numerous efforts for DEC and NY Governor including major expansion of the Artificial Reef Program, Commercial Fishing data modernization, Shellfish Restoration Initiative, Oceans Program, Offshore Wind Energy and creation of the new $30 million Marine Division Headquarters in 2021 to name a few.

Mr. Gilmore is an Adjunct at SUNY Stony Brook’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences where he has taught graduate level marine fisheries management for over a decade.  He holds Associate and Batchelor degrees in Biology and Master of Science degree in Marine and Coastal Resources from SUNY Stony Brook, his M.S. Thesis on Distribution, Abundance and Migration of bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix.
