September 11-12, 2024 SSC Meeting

The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC) will meet September 11-12, 2024 at the Hyatt Place Inner Harbor (511 South Central Avenue, Baltimore, MD). This will be an in-person meeting with a virtual option. SSC members, other invited meeting participants, and members of the public will have the option to participate in person or virtually via Webex webinar.

Staff Contact: Brandon Muffley,, (302) 526-5260


  • For telephone-only access, dial +1-415-655-0001 (US Toll) and enter access code 2345 895 7997

Agenda and Briefing Materials

Atlantic Mackerel 2025 ABC Review

  1. Staff Memo: Review of 2025 Measures for Atlantic Mackerel

  2. 2024 Atlantic Mackerel Advisory Panel Fishery Performance Report

  3. 2024 Atlantic Mackerel Fishery Information Document

  4. Presentation

Spiny Dogfish 2025 ABC Review

  1. Staff Memo: Review of 2025 Measures for Spiny Dogfish

  2. 2024 Spiny Dogfish Advisory Panel Fishery Performance Report

  3. 2024 Spiny Dogfish Fishery Information Document

  4. 2024 Data Update for Spiny Dogfish

  5. GARFO Catch Data Update

  6. Projection Update (Excel file - “updated” tab is new projection with 100%CV )

  7. Presentation

Draft 2025-2029 Research Priorities Document

  1. Staff Memo: Considerations and Potential Updates to the 2025-2029 Research Priorities Document

  2. Mid-Atlantic Council Comprehensive Five Year (2020-2024) Research Priorities (Updated 2021)

  3. Presentation

Update on Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP) Activities

  1. Report: Evaluating Measurement Error in the MRIP Fishing Effort Survey (May 2023)

  2. NOAA Fisheries Guidance Regarding the Use of MRIP Fishing Effort Survey Data (July 2024) 

  3. MRIP Re-Envisioning Initiative

  4. MRIP Re-Envisioning Questions for SSC

  5. Information on Non-Response Bias

  6. Presentation

Discussion on Outcomes from the July 2024 SSC Meeting

(No materials are expected for this agenda item)

  • Overfishing Limit Coefficient of Variation topics

    • Process for new tiering approach

    • Recreational data considerations

    • Tasks and timing for OFL CV sub-group activities

  • Fmsy proxy reference points

    • Black Sea Bass and Butterfish

  • Presentation

Offshore Wind Session

  1. ROSA FishFORWRD Database

  2. New Jersey Research and Monitoring Initiative

  3. Evaluating Offshore Wind Farm Impacts on Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Stock Assessments (Stony Brook University)

  4. Peer-Review of NEFSC Draft Survey Mitigation Plans Relative to Offshore Wind

Overview of 8th National Scientific Coordination Subcommittee Workshop

  1. Final Workshop Agenda

  2. Workshop Information and Materials

  3. Presentation

Other Business

(No materials are expected for this agenda item)

  • SSC Work Group updates

    • Joint Ecosystem and Economic meeting

  • SSC membership

  • 2025 meeting schedule and anticipated needs

    • Blueline Tilefish Work Group

    • Joint SSC meeting(s)