NOAA Fisheries Announces 2019-2021 Spiny Dogfish Fishery Specifications

May 14, 2019 - The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:

We are approving and implementing the final 2019 and projected 2020-2021 specifications for the spiny dogfish fishery, as recommended by the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Councils.

The specifications for the 2019 spiny dogfish fishery are a 46-percent reduction from fishing year 2018 to ensure overfishing does not occur. However, these quotas are projected to increase in 2020 and 2021 as the spiny dogfish biomass is expected to increase and the risk of overfishing declines. Below is a summary of the specifications. All other fishery management measures, including the 6,000-lb federal trip limit, will remain unchanged for fishing years 2019-2021.

Summary of Final 2019 and Projected 2020 and 2021 Spiny Dogfish Fishery Specifications, in metric tons. 

Commercial Quota9,30910,52112,438
Percent Change in Quota from Previous Year-46+13+18

For more details read the rule as filed in the Federal Register or the bulletin posted on our website.


Fishermen: Contact Cynthia Ferrio, Sustainable Fisheries Division, 978-281-9180
Media: Contact Jennifer Goebel, Regional Office, 978-281-9175

SAFMC Schedules Scoping Webinars to Gather Input on Adding Bullet and Frigate Mackerel to the Dolphin Wahoo Fishery Management Plan

The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council will hold public scoping webinars on May 7 and 9 to gather public input on whether to add bullet mackerel and frigate mackerel as ecosystem component species in the Dolphin Wahoo FMP.     

Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network Seeking Stakeholder Perspectives on Ocean Acidification

The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN), in collaboration with Rutgers University, is seeking perspectives on ocean acidification from stakeholders with fishing and aquaculture interests in the Mid-Atlantic. MACAN’s Stakeholder Outreach Survey is available online through June 14, 2019.

Request for Public Input on Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Individual Transferable Quota Program Review

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking public comments on a review of the Atlantic Surfclam and Ocean Quahog Individual Transferable Quota (ITQ) Program. Comments are due by May 8, 2019.

Council Approves Chub Mackerel Management Measures

The Mid-Atlantic Council approved a suite of management measures for chub mackerel in federal waters from Maine through North Carolina, including a total allowable landings limit, permit requirements, and other measures. If approved by the Secretary of Commerce, the Chub Mackerel Amendment will add chub mackerel to the Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan.

Mid-Atlantic Council Takes Final Action on Summer Flounder Commercial Issues Amendment

At their March 2019 meeting, the Mid-Atlantic Council and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission recommended modifications to the current state-by-state commercial allocations for summer flounder. In addition, the Council and Commission approved revised Fishery Management Plan goals and objectives for summer flounder.

Federal Shutdown Impacts on MAFMC Meetings - Updated 2/4/19

As a result of the government shutdown, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council cancelled or postponed a number of meetings. Below is a list of the meetings that were cancelled and rescheduled. We are working to reschedule as many of these meeting as possible. Please check back frequently for updates, as this page is being updated on an ongoing basis.

The following meetings have been RESCHEDULED:

The following meetings have been CANCELLED:

  • The Northeast Regional Marine Fish Habitat Assessment Steering Committee Meeting scheduled for January 30

  • The Northeast Trawl Advisory Panel (NTAP) meeting scheduled for February 15

Rescheduled meeting dates will be posted on this page and at

Last Updated 2/4/19

February Council Meeting Rescheduled for March 6-7, 2019

Updated January 29, 2019

The February Council meeting has been rescheduled for March 6-7, 2019 at the Hilton Virginia Beach Oceanfront (3001 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, Telephone 757-213-3000). A detailed agenda and additional details will be posted on this page as they become available.

Updated January 22, 2019

The February Council meeting has been cancelled due to the government shutdown. The Council is considering rescheduling some of the planned agenda items for a shorter meeting tentatively scheduled for March 6 and 7 in Virginia Beach. However, feasibility of this option is highly dependent on when the government reopens. For additional information, please contact Chris Moore (, 302-526-5255).

Additional information about cancellations of other MAFMC meetings is being posted on an ongoing basis at

Mid-Atlantic Council Requests Public Input for Next Five-Year Strategic Plan

The Council is seeking public input on the future of fisheries management in the Mid-Atlantic. All interested stakeholders are invited to take a survey and weigh in on how the Council has performed under its existing strategic plan and what issues should be addressed in the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan.

Mid-Atlantic Council to Hold Scoping Hearings for Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish Amendment

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will hold four scoping hearings from February 4 to February 7, 2019 to solicit public input on an amendment to review and consider modifications to both the permitting system for Illex squid and the goals and objectives of the entire Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish Fishery Management Plan.