NOAA Fisheries has approved Framework Adjustment 15 to the Monkfish FMP/Framework Adjustment 6 to the Spiny dogfish FMP. This action implements area-based gear restrictions to reduce bycatch of Atlantic sturgeon in the gillnet fisheries for monkfish and spiny dogfish.
NOAA Fisheries: 2023 Monkfish Research Set-Aside Program Call for Proposals
2020-2021 Sea Scallop and Monkfish Research Set-Aside Projects Selected
14 Projects Selected for 2020-21 Research Set-Aside Support
NOAA Fisheries has selected 12 sea scallop and 2 monkfish projects for 2020-2021 awards through two research set-aside (RSA) programs. The New England Fishery Management Council established the Sea Scallop RSA Program and the Monkfish RSA Program to address research questions that support management of commercial fisheries for these species. Projects will investigate scallop and monkfish research priorities to improve our knowledge and management of these species. For more information on these awards and the programs, please visit this page
Ryan Silva, RSA Liaison, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office, 978-281-9326
Media: Teri Frady, Research Communications, 508-495-2239
October 2019 Council Meeting Report
Monkfish Research Set-Aside Program Seeks Research Proposals
August 1, 2019 - The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
Competition for monkfish research support has opened under the Monkfish Research Set Aside Program. Projects selected through the competition are awarded fishing days rather than dollars, and the proceeds generated from those days are used to fund the research.
This year’s priorities include monkfish life history; stock structure; relative abundance; surveys; bycatch and discard mortality; interactions with other species; gear studies; ecological studies; and trophic research.
Monkfish are one of the highest valued finfish in the Northeast. This federal fishery is managed primarily by limiting the number of days and trips that the fleet can use to target this species. Under the monkfish management plan, 500 of the allowable days-at-sea are “set aside” annually by the councils and then awarded through this federal grant competition.
NOAA Fisheries and the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils have managed the Monkfish Research Set Aside Program since 2006. Since then, 27 projects have been conducted under this program.
In addition to the monkfish, there are active RSA programs for Atlantic sea scallop and Atlantic herring. RSA programs support applied research that responds to priorities established by the fishery management councils, and are designed to inform resource management decisions and improve stock assessments.
To learn more and apply, visit
Media: Contact Cheryl Corbett, Cooperative Programs Specialist
Peer Review of Four Fishery Species Set for August
New England Council to join Mid-Atlantic Council’s Commercial eVTR Framework
2018/19 Monkfish Research Awards Announced
NOAA Fisheries Approves Monkfish Quota for 2018
May 3, 2018 - The following was released by NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Regional Office:
NOAA Fisheries is implementing monkfish quotas for the 2018 fishing year that we announced on July 12, 2017. There have been no overages in 2017, and there is no new biological information, so we are now finalizing the 2018 quotas that were previously announced. The quotas are the same relative to 2017. Read more...
2018/2019 Monkfish Research Set Aside Funding Opportunity -- Due Dec. 21, 2017
NMFS, in coordination with the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, is soliciting Monkfish research proposals to utilize monkfish RSA Days At Sea that has been set-aside by the Councils to fund monkfish research endeavors through the 2018/2019 Monkfish Research Set-Aside Program.
NEFSC Seeks Candidates for Stock Assessment Workshop Working Groups
June 2015 Council Meeting Summary
October 2014 Council Meeting Report
The following summary highlights Council actions and issues considered at the October 2014 Council Meeting held in Philadelphia, PA on October 7-9.
Federal Funding Opportunity: Monkfish Research Set-Aside Program (January 6 deadline for application)
NOAA Fisheries: All Northeast Fisheries Now Authorized for Electronic Trip Reporting
October 7-10, 2013 Council Meeting Summary
June Council Meeting Summary
2013 Monkfish RSA Awards
NOAA Fisheries has announced the recipients of the 2013 Monkfish Research Set-Aside awards. Read more...
Mid-Atlantic Council Seeks Public Comments on 5-Year Strategic Plan
The Council has released a draft of its 5-year strategic plan for public comment. Comments from the public will be accepted through July 19, 2013 and reviewed by the Council at its August 13-15 meeting in Wilmington, DE. Read more...
NMFS Publishes Draft 7 Consultation on the Continued Implementation of Seven Northeast Fisheries
The Northeast Regional Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service has published a draft Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7 Consultation on the Continued Implementation of Management Measures for seven Northeast fisheries. Download complete PDF/print version.