NOAA Fisheries has approved Framework Adjustment 15 to the Monkfish FMP/Framework Adjustment 6 to the Spiny dogfish FMP. This action implements area-based gear restrictions to reduce bycatch of Atlantic sturgeon in the gillnet fisheries for monkfish and spiny dogfish.
Developed jointly by the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, this action sets area-based measures in the monkfish and spiny dogfish gillnet fisheries designed to reduce bycatch of Atlantic sturgeon, an Endangered Species Act-listed species.
Proposed Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch Reduction Areas
Summary of Approved Measures
Low-Profile Gillnet Requirement
Effective January 1, 2026:
Vessels fishing on a monkfish DAS using gillnet gear with mesh size equal or greater than 10 inches within the New Jersey Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch Reduction Area (see map) must use low-profile gillnet gear. This is defined as having:
Mesh size ranging from 12 to 13 inches,
Net height ranging from 6 to 8 meshes tall,
Net length of 300 feet,
Tie-down length less than or equal to 30 inches,
Tie-down spacing of 12 feet,
Primary hanging ratio of 0.50,
Twine size of 0.81mm, and
Tie downs at every float to keep the float line down.
Overnight Soak Prohibitions
Note: Based on public comment from fishermen regarding economic impacts, NMFS delayed the effective date of the dogfish fishery measures until on/after May 1, 2025.
Effective May 1, 2025:
Vessels with federal spiny dogfish permits fishing in the New Jersey Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch Reduction Area with roundfish gillnet gear with mesh size equal to or grater than 5 inches and less than 10 inches are prohibited leaving gillnet gear in the water overnight (8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. ET) during the months of May and November, effective 30 days from publication of the Final Rule; and
Vessels with federal spiny dogfish permits fishing in the Delaware and Maryland Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch Reduction Area and Virginia Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch Reduction Area with roundfish gillnet gear with mesh size equal to or greater than 5.25 inches and less than 10 inches are prohibited from leaving gillnet gear in the water overnight (8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. ET) from November through March.
For more information, including coordinates of the gear restricted areas, read the Final Rule as published in the Federal Register or the Fishery Bulletin posted on the web.