MAFMC and ASMFC to Hold Public Information/Scoping Hearings on Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection Amendment

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) have scheduled a series of scoping hearings to gather public input on the range of issues and information to be considered in the Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection Amendment to the Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan (FMP) and the Bluefish FMP. Hearings will be held February 25 – March 5, 2025. Written comments will be accepted through March 20, 2025.

Amendment Overview

The purpose of the proposed amendment is to consider modifications to the recreational management program for summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, and bluefish. Specifically, the amendment may consider options for managing for-hire recreational fisheries separately from other recreational fishing modes (referred to as sector separation), as well as options related to the collection and use of recreational data, such as private angler reporting and enhanced for-hire vessel trip reporting requirements.

The Council and Commission are currently conducting scoping for this action. Scoping is the first and best opportunity to provide input on the scope of issues to be addressed. There will be additional comment opportunities; however, input provided early in the development of this action will help the Council and Commission identify issues of concern and determine which types of management alternatives should be further developed.

The Public Information/Scoping Document provides a broad overview of the issues identified for consideration in the amendment, management approaches that may be considered, and a series of questions to guide public comment. This document, along with additional information and updates, is available on the Council’s action page or the Commission’s public input page.  

How to Comment

All interested individuals are encouraged to provide comments at any of five public scoping hearings (details below) or by submitting written comments through one of the methods listed below. Comments must be received by 11:59 pm EST on Thursday, March 20, 2025.

  1. ONLINE at

  2. EMAIL to (subject: Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection)

  3. MAIL to: Dr. Christopher Moore, Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, 800 North State Street, Suite 201, Dover, DE 19901
    (Please write “Recreational Sector Separation and Data Collection” on the envelope)

All comments, regardless of submission method, will be compiled into a single document for review and consideration by both the Council and Commission. 


Webinar Instructions

All hearings except the hybrid Rhode Island hearing will be held via GoToWebinar, which can be accessed using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. To register, please click HERE and select the hearing(s) you plan to attend from the dropdown menu. When connecting to audio, we strongly encourage you to use your computer’s microphone and speakers (VoIP) so you can ask questions and provide comments. To attend the webinar in listen only mode, dial 415.655.0052 and enter access code 724-084-791. Those joining by phone only will be limited to listening to the presentation and will not be able to provide input. If you are new to GoToWebinar, you can download the software by clicking here or via the App store under GoTo. Before joining, we recommend testing your device’s compatibility with the webinar. If you need assistance, please contact the Commission at (subject line: GoToWebinar help).

For virtual participation at the hybrid Rhode Island public hearing, the Zoom meeting link is available here. The Meeting ID is 861 5076 1946 and the Passcode is 483668; if calling in dial 646-931-3860.

Hearing Presentation Recording

For those who cannot attend any in-person or virtual hearings, the Commission will also post a recording of the hearing presentation on the Commission’s YouTube page so that stakeholders may watch the presentation and submit comment at any time during the comment process. This recording will be available by late February, with the recording link provided at ASMFCvideos - YouTube.


If you have any questions, please contact either:

  • Kiley Dancy, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council,, 302-526-5257

  • Tracey Bauer, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission,, 703-842-0723

MAFMC Press Contact: Mary Sabo,, 302-526-5261

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