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Spiny Dogfish Monitoring Committee and ASMFC Technical Committee


The Spiny Dogfish Monitoring Committee will review the annual catch target (ACT) and other management measures that have been established for the 2014 fishing year in light of the recent assessment update and September 17, 2013 review by the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee.


For questions, please contact Jim Armstrong 302-526-5250


Meeting Materials


Terms of Reference 

Other Meeting Materials 


Connect to the Webinar

This is an online meeting.  You will need an internet connection and phone in order to participate.  Audio instructions will be provided after you connect via the link below:


Special Accommodations

The meeting is physically accessible to people with disabilities.  Requests for sign language interpretation or other auxiliary aids should be directed to M. Jan Saunders at the Mid-Atlantic Council Office (302) 526-5251 at least five days prior to the meeting date.