In June 2022, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (Commission) Policy Board approved the Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework/Addenda, which implemented a new process for setting recreational measures (bag, size, and season limits) for summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, and bluefish. When the Council and Policy Board approved the new process they agreed to continue development of several other options for possible implementation by 2026. The Council and Policy Board are now developing a follow-on action which will consider an improved measures setting process for 2026 and beyond. The Council is considering these changes through a framework adjustment, and the Commission is considering an identical set of options through draft addenda. Collectively, these management actions are referred to as the Recreational Measures Setting Process Framework/Addenda. See the action plan for additional information about the specific alternatives being considered.
Julia Beaty, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, jbeaty@mafmc.org, (302) 526-5250
Tracey Bauer, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, tbauer@asmfc.org (703) 842-0740
Chelsea Tuohy, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, ctuohy@asmfc.org (703) 842-0740
Public Hearings
The Commission has scheduled a series of public hearings to gather input on its Draft Addenda. Although the Council’s framework development process does not include public hearings, all public comments provided during the Commission’s comment period will be considered by both groups before taking final action. All those interested in the management of the recreational summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, and bluefish fisheries are encouraged to provide input during any of five public hearings to be held between January 14 and January 29, 2025. Written comments may be submitted through February 15, 2025. Please see the Commission’s hearing announcement for hearing details.
Action Development Timeline and Documents
Action Plan (as of August 2024)
August 2023 Council/Policy Board Meeting: The Council and Policy Board reviewed progress and discussed next steps.
December 2023 Council/Policy Board Meeting: The Council and Policy Board refined the range of preliminary alternatives.
July 2024: The Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee completed a review of the alternatives under consideration through this framework/addenda.
August 2024 Council/Policy Board Meeting: The Council and Policy Board reviewed a revised range of alternatives and endorsed several modifications recommended by the Fishery Management Action Team/Plan Development Team.
October 2024 Council/Policy Board Meeting: The Council and Policy Board approved a draft document for public hearings through the Commission process.
Next Steps - January/February 2025: The Commission has scheduled five public hearings to be held between January 14 and January 29, 2025. Written comments may be submitted through February 15, 2025.