Workshops and Events
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council hosted a workshop November 13-14, 2018 in Philadelphia, PA to identify issues related to law enforcement in for-hire fisheries and sale by recreational anglers of tilefish and tuna.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council held two workshops in collaboration with the European Union’s Pelagic Advisory Council ( in May and June 2018. The objective of these workshops was to share information and best management practices across U.S. and European pelagic and small-mesh fisheries.
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is hosting two workshops in late April to help the for-hire community prepare for submitting Vessel Trip Reports (VTRs) electronically.
The purpose of this workshop is to review, and potentially refine, the spatial alternatives for discrete coral protection zones proposed under the Deep Sea Corals Amendment to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan.
Read the report.
This workshop brought together managers and staff of East Coast fishery management organizations to discuss the potential governance challenges arising from the impacts of climate change on East Coast marine fisheries.
Read the report.
This workshop focused on best management practices (BMPs) and mitigation measures for offshore wind development in the Mid-Atlantic region. The workshop provided a forum for fishermen, fishery managers, decision-makers, and offshore wind experts to provide input on the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's (BOEM) BMPs and mitigation measures for offshore wind development.
Read the report.
In August 2013 the Council held an expert panel meeting to review an analysis of scup allocations in the commercial and recreational fisheries. This analysis simulated marginal willingness to pay for scup catch based on four modules: 1) commercial valuation, 2) consumer valuation, 3) for-hire producer surplus, and 4) recreational angler surplus.
Read the report.
This workshop provided a forum for fishing industry participants and other stakeholders to participate in the development of alternatives for Council's Deep Sea Corals Amendment.
On January 15-17, 2013 the Council convened a workshop in Riverhead, NY to explore whether responsive harvest strategies are feasible and appropriate for optimizing yield in the longfin (aka "Loligo") and/or Illex squid fisheries.
Read the report.
On August 29 and 30, 2012, the Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council and the Partnership for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Science (PMAFS) held a workshop that focused on improved assessment approaches for protogynous fish, as well as data needs and modeling strategies.
Read the report.
Co-sponsored by the Council and the Marine Recreational Information Program, this workshop examined questions related to volunteer/self-reported angler data such as: "Which data needs can be best filled by this kind of data?" and "How can such programs establish and sustain angler enthusiasm and support?"
Read the report.
The objectives of this focus group were to (1) provide recreational stakeholders with an understanding of Council processes, (2) introduce the Council’s Visioning project, (3) elicit feedback to help the Council improve communications, and (4) support the recreational community’s participation in the fisheries management process.
Read the report.
In October 2011 the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council hosted the Fourth National Scientific and Statistical Committee Workshop. The workshop focused on the topics of ecosystem interactions and socioeconomic factors as they both relate to fisheries management decisions.