Obligatory (1st term)
Exp. 2027
Joseph Cimino
Designated Official, State of New Jersey
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Joe Cimino directs the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Marine Resources Administration, which includes the bureaus of marine fisheries and marine habitat and shellfisheries. He represents the NJDEP at various inter- and intra-state meetings, including the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council and the Delaware Bay and Atlantic Shellfisheries Councils, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, and the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council. He directs the research and monitoring programs of the Administration to ensure they provide the information necessary for sound management of marine and shellfish resources. Joe started his marine fisheries career as a seasonal technician for New York State DEC’s Hudson River Fisheries Unit, he then spent two years with North Carolina’s Division of Marine Fisheries. During his 14 years with the VA Marine Resources Commission, he held various roles, ultimately finishing his time there as the Deputy Chief of Fisheries. Joe has degrees from SUNY Cobleskill and Plattsburgh in Fisheries and Wildlife Technology and Environmental Science, respectively.
Email: Joseph.Cimino@dep.nj.gov
Phone: 609-439-1681