Request for Proposals to Develop a National Fishing Effects Database to support Fishery Management Councils Essential Fish (EFH) Habitat Reviews

The Mid‐Atlantic Fishery Management Council seeks a highly-qualified contractor to develop a nationally useful database of literature on the effects of fishing gear on marine fish habitat. Proposal Submission Deadline: February 28, 2023.

Announcing a 2022-23 Marine Resource Education Program (MREP)

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute is pleased to announce the Marine Resources Education Program (MREP) in the Greater Atlantic fishery region.

By fishermen, for fishermen, MREP provides fishermen and others with an interest in federal fisheries with an opportunity to gain insight into how fisheries data are collected and how those data lead to regulations. MREP brings together commercial, charter, and recreational fishermen with scientists, managers, and other marine resource professionals from the Atlantic coast to learn, share insights, and network in a neutral and professional setting. Participants leave the program empowered and better prepared to be a voice in federal fisheries management.

The workshop is free to selected participants and includes travel reimbursement, hotel accommodations, and meals are provided by the program. Seats are limited.

You can apply today here:

Fisheries Science Workshop
January 10 – 12, 2023
Holiday Inn Cape Cod | Falmouth, MA

Fisheries Management Workshop
March 21 – 23, 2023
Hotel at Arundel Preserve | Hanover, MD

MREP Announcement (PDF)