Mid-Atlantic Council to Meet with ASMFC Boards on February 1, 2021
Rutgers Cooperative Extension to Host Introductory Fisheries Science for Stakeholders (IFISSH) Course
Rutgers Cooperative Extension is offering an introductory fisheries science course for stakeholders of New Jersey's marine fisheries. The Introductory Fisheries Science for Stakeholders (IFISSH) course covers topics related to fisheries biology, oceanography, surveys of marine fishery resources, collection of commercial and recreational fishery catch data, stock assessments, and fisheries management.
Classes will be held weekly via Zoom on Tuesday evenings (6:30 - 9:00 p.m.) from February 16 through April 20. The program fee is $25.00 per person. Register by February 9 at this link or by contacting Kelly Jurgensen (Administrative Assistant, Marine Extension Program), Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County at kjurgensen@co.ocean.nj.us or 732-349-1152.
Visit the IFISSH web page or download the course flyer for additional details.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Douglas Zemeckis (County Agent III - Assistant Professor), Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Rutgers University at zemeckis@njaes.rutgers.edu or 732-349-1152.
Mid-Atlantic Council Seeks Stakeholder Input on Summer Flounder Recreational Management
MACAN to Host Webinar on the Biological Responses of Ocean Acidification in Early Life-Stages of Fishes of Inshore Waters of the Mid-Atlantic
January 26, 2021, 11:00 a.m. Register Here.
NOAA Fisheries Proposes Modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan
NOAA Fisheries has proposed modifications to the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan to further reduce the impacts of entanglement in fishing gear on right whales in U.S. waters. The proposed modifications focus on the Northeast jonah crab and lobster trap/pot fisheries, which deploy about 93 percent of the buoy lines fished in areas where right whales occur. In 2021, the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team will be asked to recommend risk reduction measures for other Atlantic trap/pot and gillnet fisheries.
Comments on the proposed modifications and on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement may be submitted through March 1, 2021. NOAA Fisheries will also hold a series of virtual public hearings to explain the proposed modifications and to accept public comments on the modifications. Learn more at the links below.
Message from Chris Oliver, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries
Information on Public Information Sessions in January and Public Hearings in February
How to Comment
Attend a public hearing.
Submit your comments in writing through our online comment portal. To comment, go to: regulations.gov. Search for NOAA-NMFS-2020-0031. Choose “Comment Now” to submit your comments.
December 2020 Council Meeting Summary
New South Atlantic For-Hire Reporting Requirements – Information for Greater Atlantic Permit Holders
Beginning on January 4, 2021, all fishermen with Atlantic federal charter/headboat permits for Snapper-Grouper, Coastal Migratory Pelagics, and Dolphin/Wahoo issued by NOAA’s Southeast Regional Office (SERO) will be required to electronically report their fishing effort and landings through the NOAA Fisheries Southeast For-Hire Electronic Reporting Program.
How Will This Affect For-Hire Operators in the Greater Atlantic Region?
Individuals holding only for-hire permits issued by the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) will not be impacted by these changes. You can continue submitting your electronic VTRs as you are right now.
Individuals holding both a GARFO for-hire permit and a Southeast Region Office (SERO) charter/headboat permit for any of the species listed above will be subject to new reporting requirements.
Information for Dual GARFO and SERO For-Hire Permit Holders
In early December, SERO will be sending you an informational toolkit that explains the Southeast For-Hire Electronic Reporting Program. The toolkit is also available here.
New Reporting Requirements
As a result of holding the SERO permit, you will need to report the new information listed below, in addition to the GARFO information you are accustomed to reporting.
Socio-economic questions:
Trip Fee (dollars);
Fuel Used (gallons);
Price of Fuel (dollars per gallon).
Requirement to submit did-not-fish reports in weeks in which no fishing activity occurs in any fishery.
How to Report
As a holder of a SERO permit, you will be required to meet these reporting requirements regardless of where you fish or what species you target.
If you have been reporting using eTrips/Mobile 2, simply continue to report with this software as you have been, as the new fields will automatically appear in January and this system meets both regions’ requirements.
If you have been reporting using the Fish Online eVTR application, we strongly encourage you to convert to eTrips/Mobile 2 to satisfy the reporting requirements of both GARFO and SERO. At present, Fish Online does not meet SERO reporting requirements.
When to Report:
Reports must still be submitted within 48 hours of landing to meet GARFO requirements.
For Assistance with Reporting Requirements Contact
Your local GARFO Port Agent
GARFO reporting group at 978-281-9246
If you are a Fish Online user and want to switch to using eTrips, call 1-800-984-0810 or visit https://www.accsp.org/what-we-do/safis/etrips-mobile-instructions/
Additional Information
SERO Webinars to answer your questions: scheduled for 10:00 AM-12:00 PM and 6:00-8:00 PM, EST on December 16, 2020. Details are available here.
SERO Customer service hotline: available from 8:00-4:30, EST at 1-833-707-1632.
Customer service email: ser.electronicreporting@noaa.gov
Journal Article: There Is no I in EAFM Adapting Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management
A new article available in the Coastal Management journal highlights the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s use of Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) as part of its Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM). This article is part of a special issue of Coastal Management that focuses on 10 years of implementation of the NOAA IEA program and is expected to publish in early 2021. For additional information, please contact Brandon Muffley, Council Staff, at bmuffley@mafmc.org.
There Is no I in EAFM Adapting Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management
Authors: Brandon Muffley, Sarah Gaichas, Geret DePiper, Richard Seagraves, Sean Lucey
Read the full article at: https://doi.org/10.1080/08920753.2021.1846156 (note: this article is open access for anyone to view or download).
Resource managers worldwide are being asked to consider the ecosystem while making management decisions. Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA) provides a flexible framework for addressing ecosystem considerations in decision making. The US Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) adapted the IEA approach and implemented a structured decision framework to address species, fleet, habitat, and climate interactions as part of their Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) in 2016. The Council’s EAFM decision framework first uses risk assessment to prioritize fishery-ecosystem interactions for consideration. The Council’s 2017 EAFM risk assessment identified a range of ecological, social, and management objectives or risk elements. Development of a conceptual model to identify key environmental, ecological, social, economic, and management linkages for a high-priority fishery is the second step in the framework. The Council identified summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) as a high-risk fishery and finalized an EAFM conceptual model that considers high-risk factors and ecosystem elements in 2019. The Council used the conceptual model to identify three priority summer flounder management questions (recreational data uncertainty, recreational discards, and distribution shifts) to be considered for quantitative management strategy evaluation, the third step in the EAFM framework and set to begin in 2020. Finally, as strategies are implemented, outcomes are monitored and the process is adjusted, and/or other priorities identified in the risk assessment can be addressed. The Council’s rapid progress in implementing EAFM resulted from an extensive, positive, and collaborative process between managers, stakeholders, and scientists. Collaboration helps build trust and buy-in from all participants and is essential to IEA and to the success of EAFM.
Additional Public Listening Session for Aquaculture Opportunity Areas
NOAA Fisheries has scheduled an additional listening session for stakeholders to provide comments on Aquaculture Opportunity Areas (AOA). The listening session session will be held December 3, 2020 from 12:00-2:00 ET.
NOAA Fisheries Announces Commercial Blueline Tilefish Fishery Closure
Proposed 2021 Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Specifications
Comments on the proposed rule are due December 2, 2020.
Mid-Atlantic Council to Meet by Webinar December 14-17, 2020
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council will meet Monday, December 14 through Thursday, December 17, 2020. This meeting will be conducted by webinar. Additional information is available on the meeting webpage.