The following summary highlights actions taken and issues considered at the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s February 2016 meeting in New Bern, North Carolina.
NOAA Fisheries Seeks Comments on Amendment 17 to the Surfclam and Ocean Quahog FMP
Reminder: MAFMC Fishery Scientist Position Open Until 2/26/16
Woods Hold Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Accepting Requests for Travel Funding for ICES Annual Science Conference
Requests for Travel Funds by new U.S. participants due 15 June 2016. Learn more.
Blueline Tilefish Sampling Request for Proposals
Council Announces Policies on Non-Fishing Activities that Threaten Fish Habitat
Mid-Atlantic Council Names Deep Sea Coral Protection Area in Honor of Senator Frank Lautenberg
NOAA seeks applications for $9 million in community-based habitat restoration
NOAA Fisheries: $2.5 Million Available for Innovative Bycatch Solutions
NEFSC: Warming Ocean May Bring Major Changes for U.S. Northeast Fishery Species
SAFMC Solicits Public Input on Proposed Electronic Reporting Requirements for Charterboats and Other Fisheries Issues
The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council is soliciting public input on proposed measures that could affect federally permitted charter vessels along the Atlantic coast.
Proposed Specifications for 2016-2018 Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish Fisheries
February 2016 Council Meeting Agenda
Vacancy Announcement: Fishery Scientist (Open Until 2/26/16)
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking candidates for the position of Fishery Scientist. Download/Open Vacancy Announcement (PDF).
December 2015 Council Meeting Summary
Request for Proposals: Mid-Atlantic Collaborative Fisheries Research
Request for Proposals: Black Sea Bass Habitat Research Needs in the Mid-Atlantic (Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership)
The Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership is seeking research and/or restoration proposals to address black sea bass habitat issues in the Mid-Atlantic region, with an emphasis on the use of natural and/or artificial reefs and their ability to maintain and enhance fishery productivity. Proposal are due by February 1, 2016.