Public Listening Session: Offshore Wind Power and Mid-Atlantic Fisheries

The Council will hold its next listening session on Tuesday, August 13 in Wilmington, Delaware. The topic will be Offshore Wind Power and Mid-Atlantic Fisheries.  Dr. Jeremy Firestone, Professor of Marine Policy and Legal Studies at the University of Delaware, will discuss recent developments in wind power siting and construction and how they may affect fisheries and fishing communities.

Mid-Atlantic Council Seeks Public Comments on 5-Year Strategic Plan

The Council has released a draft of its 5-year strategic plan for public comment. Comments from the public will be accepted through July 19, 2013 and reviewed by the Council at its August 13-15 meeting in Wilmington, DE. Read more... 

Council Approves Omnibus Recreational Accountability Measure Amendment

At last week's meeting the Council voted on final management measures to include in the Omnibus Recreational Accountability Measure Amendment and approved the amendment to be submitted for Secretarial review. Read more...

John Bullard to Discuss Themes of Stakeholder Feedback at June 11 Listening Session in Eatontown, NJ

During the Council's next listening session on June 12, NOAA Fisheries Northeast Regional Administrator John Bullard will discuss the main themes from a series of public listening sessions throughout the Northeast region. All members of the public are encouraged to attend.   More Information...

An Open Letter to Federal Fishery Permit Holders in the Northeast Regarding Observers and At-Sea Monitors

Today, leadership from NOAA Fisheries Northeast and the chairmen of the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils issued an open letter to the fishing industry urging cooperation and respect for fishery observers and at-sea monitors during what is a difficult fishing year for many.  Read more...

Successful Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries Conference Brings Together Diverse Voices

The Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries 3 conference wrapped up today on a successful note, with conference participants developing 128 recommendations for improving fishery sustainability. The draft recommendations are online at and will be further elaborated in the conference proceedings. The conference was coordinated by the eight Regional Fishery Management Councils and NOAA Fisheries, and was sponsored by both fishing industry and environmental groups.

Council to Discuss Squid Management with Fishing Industry at Upcoming Meetings

The Council has scheduled two public meetings to talk with members of the fishing industry about options for improving management of the longfin and Illex squid fisheries. The meetings will build on input provided by fishermen, processors, scientists, and managers during a Squid Management Workshop held in January 2013.