Research Set-Aside Workshop Sign-Up

The Council is hosting a series of four workshops to develop recommendations for the possible redevelopment of the Research Set-Aside (RSA) program. The first three webinars will target a separate topic related to RSA (research, funding, and enforcement), and the final workshop will synthesize the recommendations from the three webinars to produce final recommendations for RSA program development. Visit the Research Set-Aside Workshop Page for details and background information.


Law Enforcement/For-Hire Workshop Registration

Please use the form below to register for the Mid-Atlantic Council’s Law Enforcement/For-Hire Workshop, to be held November 13-14, 2018 in Philadelphia, PA. For additional details about this workshop, go to

Pelagic Fisheries Workshop Reception RSVP

Please use the form below to let us know if you are planning to attend the reception along with the total number of guests in your party. Please respond by Friday, April 20.

Workshop on Electronic Reporting of Vessel Trip Reports (eVTRs) for the For-Hire Sector

For information about eVTR requirements and reporting software options, please visit our For-Hire Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting web page. 

Two workshops will be held for for the purpose of providing instruction to for-hire operators on electronic reporting of vessel trip reports (VTRs). While all options for electronic reporting will be briefly discussed, the majority of each workshop will focus on hands-on training for the SAFIS eTrips/mobile and eTrips Online systems developed by the Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program (ACCSP). 

Workshop Dates and Locations 

Webinar: The Council will also hold a public webinar on Friday, March 2, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to provide instruction to for-hire operators on electronic reporting of vessel trip reports (VTRs).  Click here for more information.

What to Bring

It would be extremely helpful to bring an electronic tablet or laptop capable of connecting to the internet via W-Fi and have a Google account (for Android systems) or iTunes account (for Apple systems) established to allow downloading of the SAFIS eTrips/mobile app. If you will be using ACCSP’s SAFIS eTrips/mobile or eTrips Online and you do not have a SAFIS account, the ACCSP will contact you prior to the workshop to set up your account. 

Please direct any questions to workshop coordinator Andrew Loftus (; 410-295-5997).


These workshops have a limited number of spaces. Participants are strongly encouraged to register early so that workshop personnel can work with each individual prior to the workshop to provide needed information and establish accounts with management agencies for reporting systems (if necessary). Participants can register by using the form below or by contacting workshop coordinator Andy Loftus at  If you register and then decide not to attend, please let us know as soon as possible to free up space for other participants.

August 10 Reception RSVP

Please use the form below to let us know if you are planning to attend the reception along with the total number of guests in your party.

Please RSVP by August 1. 

TEWG Subgroup

After reading the meeting summary, please use the box below to add any additional thoughts as described in my email.  Thanks!