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Community Input Meeting for June 2026 Management Track Stocks

The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) is seeking input from the fishing community and other interested parties to help inform the June 2026 Management Track Assessments for the following stocks:

  • Atlantic herring 

  • Butterfish

  • Georges Bank Atlantic cod 

  • Georges Bank haddock 

  • Longfin inshore squid 

  • Ocean quahog

Specifically, assessment scientists are looking for on-the-water observations or data sets on topics such as distribution, stock health, fishing dynamics and management, and the role these stocks play in the ecosystem. Comments are welcome from all regional assessment partners, including the fishing industry (commercial and recreational), state agency scientists, academic researchers, and interested members of the public.

There are two ways to participate:


Contact: Brian Hooper, NEFSC assessment process lead