The Assessment Oversight Panel (AOP) will meet on February 28, 2024 to review the stock assessment plans for June management track assessment stocks and recommend the level of peer review necessary for each assessment. MAFMC-managed stocks to be addressed at this meeting include: Atlantic mackerel, black sea bass, bluefish, Northern shortfin squid (Illex), scup, and summer flounder.
An agenda and other details will be posted at the link below prior to the meeting. This meeting is open to the public.
*** Please note that stock assessment meetings are hosted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Webinar connection information for these meetings is only available on the meeting page (linked above) and will not be posted on the Council calendar. ***
Background Information
Management track assessments provide updated catch advice on a regular schedule. The schedule varies by species. These assessments begin with a previously approved assessment model and a plan to carry forward an updated assessment with possible changes to the data or parameters in the model.
The AOP is responsible for reviewing and approving management track assessment plans and recommending the appropriate level of peer review for each management track assessment. The AOP is composed of four members: a member of the Mid-Atlantic Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), a member of the New England Council’s SSC, a member of the ASMFC Assessment Science Committee, and the NEFSC Chief of the Populations Dynamics Branch.
During this meeting, the lead assessment scientist for each species will present the assessment plans to the AOP. The AOP will then recommend the level of peer review appropriate for each assessment. There are three levels of management track peer review:
Level 1: direct delivery (i.e., no peer review) of simple data and model updates;
Level 2: expedited peer review of updates with some changes to the model or data streams; or
Level 3: enhanced peer review of updates with extensive changes.
After the AOP meets and makes its recommendations, the assessment leads will then carry out the management track assessment within the scope of the approved plan for each stock.
A peer review meeting will be held at the end of the process to review the Level 2 and 3 assessments.
Additional information about stock assessments is available on the Council’s Stock Assessments page and on the NOAA Fisheries website.