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Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish Advisory Panel Meeting (Webinar)

The Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish Advisory Panel will meet February 23, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to develop fishery performance reports (FPRs) for Illex squid and Atlantic mackerel. These reports will be considered by the SSC in March when it reviews 2022 Illex catch levels and finalizes the Atlantic mackerel rebuilding trajectories. The AP will develop FPRs for butterfish, longfin squid, and chub mackerel at a meeting later in the year.

Contact: Jason Didden,, 302-526-5254

Agenda: Review each information document and develop fishery performance reports. The Atlantic mackerel rebuilding options will also be reviewed. The Advisory Panel will have a later meeting focused on recommendations for Atlantic mackerel rebuilding.

Webinar Information

  • Click here to join the meeting (If prompted, enter Meeting number: 2341 284 7181; Meeting password: rdJd8Q6Jp5j)

  • Please connect your audio through your computer, telephone, or other device by following the prompts that appear after opening the webinar. If you must join by phone only, you may dial dial +1-415-655-0001 and enter access code 2341 284 7181. Please only use this option if you are not connecting to the webinar on your computer or other device.

Meeting Materials