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Butterfish and Illex Research Track Peer Review Meeting

A peer review panel will meet March 7-11, 2022 to review the research track stock assessments for butterfish and Illex squid.

Meeting Details

An agenda and webinar connection details will be posted on the Research Track Peer Review Meeting page prior to the meeting. This meeting is open to the public. Please note that the start and end times listed on this page are subject to change. Please check the main meeting page on the NOAA Fisheries website for a final agenda.

Background Information

Research track assessments evaluate new datasets that can either inform or be used in new or existing stock assessment models. Unlike management track assessments, which are driven by the need to meet specific management timelines, research track assessments are carried out over longer time frames and with fewer requirements for using the most recent data. The research track is intended to be the opportunity for extensive and comprehensive research and analysis.

After the working group has completed its work, a peer review panel will be convened to conduct a comprehensive review of the research track assessment. The peer review panels review the assessment(s) for technical merit and provide recommendations on whether the assessment should or should not be used for management.

What Happens Next?

Typically, research track outputs are incorporated into future management track assessments (as opposed to directly informing management decisions). For this reason, research track assessments are often scheduled to have management track assessments in the following year, which ensures immediate application of the research results with the inclusion of the most recent data in a management track assessment. Butterfish and Illex squid are both scheduled for management track assessments in 2022.

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