The Council’s Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Committee will meet via webinar on Wednesday April 29, 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to develop committee recommendations regarding the Mackerel, Squid, Butterfish FMP Goals/Objectives and Illex Permits Amendment. This amendment to the MSB fishery management plan could modify the plan’s goals and objectives as well as the permitting system and associated management measures for Illex squid.
Webinar Details
The meeting will be held via webinar with a telephone-only audio connection: Telephone instructions are provided upon connecting, or the public can call direct: 800-832-0736, Rm: *7833942#.
MAFMC Webinar Guide - general instructions for connecting to and participating in Council webinars
Meeting Materials
Questions? Contact Jason Didden -, (302) 526-5254.