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River Herring and Shad Advisory Panel Meeting

The Council's River Herring and Shad (RH/S) advisory panel will meet via webinar on Friday, April 24 at 10:30 a.m.

Webinar Link:

The objectives of this meeting are to develop recommendations for the 2016– 18 RH/S Cap on the Atlantic mackerel fishery and to provide general input on RH/S conservation.  The Council will utilize the input from the RH/S AP at the June 2015 Council meeting when setting the 2016–18 RH/S Cap on the Atlantic mackerel fishery and discussing RH/S conservation. There will also be time for public questions and comments.

The meeting will be held via webinar, but anyone can also attend at the Council office address.  Please call the Council at least 24 hours in advance if you wish to attend at the Council office.
