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Recreational Fisheries Information Telephone Town Hall Call

NOAA Fisheries' Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office is holding a recreational fisheries information town hall call to provide members of the recreational fishing community and the general public with information on recent Federal management decisions and scientific findings that affect Northeast marine recreational fishing.

Regional Administrator John Bullard will provide a short update on recent changes to the recreational fishing regulations for Gulf of Maine cod and haddock and will discuss the summer flounder, scup, and black sea bass fisheries as well.

Dr. Russell Brown, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, will describe current research efforts and findings on stock abundance trends for Gulf of Maine cod and haddock.

Following the presentations, there will be a question and answer session with callers.

To access the meeting, dial 800-475-0469 and at the prompt, enter the participant passcode # 2853686.

For more information, contact Olivia Rugo, NOAA Fisheries Stakeholder Engagement Division, at (978) 675-2167 or email her at