1990: Original FMP established management of Atlantic bluefish fisheries
2000: Amendment 1 brought the FMP into compliance with new and revised National Standards and other required provisions of the Sustainable Fisheries Act, implemented a rebuilding plan, and required that a commercial quota and recreational harvest limit be based on projected stock size estimates as derived from the latest stock assessment information. Amendment 1 - Volume 2 (Appendices).
2001: Framework 1 created a quota set-aside for the purpose of conducting scientific research. Final Rule.
2007: Amendment 2 implemented standardized bycatch reporting methodology. Final Rule.
2011: Amendment 3 established Annual Catch Limits (ACLs) and Accountability Measures (AMs). Final Rule.
2013: Amendment 4 modified the accountability measures for the Council's recreational fisheries. Final Rule.
2015: Amendment 5 implemented a new Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology to address a legal challenge. Final Rule.
2017: Amendment 6 - Unmanaged Forage Omnibus Amendment implemented management measures to prevent the development of new, and the expansion of existing, commercial fisheries on certain forage species in the Mid-Atlantic. Final Rule - 8/28/17.
2017: Framework 2 - Omnibus For-Hire Electronic Trip Reporting Framework implemented a requirement for vessels that hold party/charter permits for Council-managed species to submit vessel trip reports electronically (eVTRs) while on a trip carrying passengers for hire.
2018: Framework 3 - Omnibus Acceptable Biological Catch Framework established a process for setting constant multi-year Acceptable Biological Catch (ABCs) and clarified the process for setting ABCs for each of the four types of ABC control rules. Final Rule - 4/11/2018.
2020: Framework 4 – Omnibus Commercial Electronic Reporting Framework established a requirement for commercial vessels with federal permits for all species managed by the Mid-Atlantic and New England Councils to submit vessel trip reports electronically within 48 hours after entering port at the conclusion of a trip. Final Rule - 11/10/20.
2020: Framework 5 – Omnibus Acceptable Biological Catch and Risk Policy Framework modified the Council’s ABC control rule and risk policy. The revised risk policy is intended to reduce the probability of overfishing as stock size falls below the target biomass while allowing for increased risk and greater economic benefit under higher stock biomass conditions. This action also removed the typical/atypical species distinction currently included in the risk policy. Final Rule - 12/15/20.
2021: Amendment 7 - Bluefish Allocation and Rebuilding Amendment revised the goals and objectives of the fishery management plan, reallocated quota between the commercial and recreational fisheries, reallocated commercial quota among the states, implemented a rebuilding plan, revised the sector quota transfer process, and revised how management uncertainty is applied during the specifications process. Final Rule - 11/24/21.
2023: Framework 6 - Recreational Harvest Control Rule Framework established a new process for setting recreational bag, size, and season limits (i.e., recreational measures) for summer flounder, scup, black sea bass, and bluefish. This action also modified the recreational accountability measures for these species. Final Rule - 3/9/23.