NEFSC Seeks Candidates for Stock Assessment Workshop Working Groups

The Northeast Fisheries Science Center is currently seeking SAW working group applicants for Monkfish, Black Sea Bass, Surfclam, Ocean Quahog, and Atlantic Mackerel. Application questionnaires are due by September 21, 2015 for black sea bass and September 30, 2015 for all other species. 

June 2015 Council Meeting Summary

The following summary highlights actions and issues considered at the Council's June 8-11 meeting in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Vessel Opportunity for Trawl Research Charter with the NEFSC Survey Branch - Deadline June 17, 2015

The Northeast Fisheries Science Center is seeking a charter vessel partner to participate in a cooperative research study to estimate trawl gear capture efficiency in order to improve assessments of commercially important fish populations in the Northwest Atlantic. The deadline for quotes is June 13.