June 2015 Council Meeting Summary

The following summary highlights actions and issues considered at the Council's June 8-11 meeting in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Vessel Opportunity for Trawl Research Charter with the NEFSC Survey Branch - Deadline June 17, 2015

The Northeast Fisheries Science Center is seeking a charter vessel partner to participate in a cooperative research study to estimate trawl gear capture efficiency in order to improve assessments of commercially important fish populations in the Northwest Atlantic. The deadline for quotes is June 13. 

Listening Session: Proposed Rule to Revise Listing Status of Humpback Whales

Members of the public are invited to attend the Council’s next listening session at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9 to learn about – and provide comments on – a proposed rule to revise the Endangered Species Act (ESA) listing of humpback whales. 

Request for Proposals: Development of a Quantitative Stock Assessment for Black Sea Bass

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council is seeking a highly qualified contractor to facilitate the development of a quantitative stock assessment for the northern black sea bass stock to support management of the black sea bass fishery. 

Proposals are due by May 29, 2015.

NOAA Fisheries: Successful Conservation Efforts Recognized in Proposed ESA Humpback Whale Listing Revision

NOAA Fisheries has announced a proposal to reclassify the humpback whale into 14 distinct population segments and to remove ten of those populations from the endangered species list. The proposed changes are expected to provide a more tailored conservation approach for U.S. fisheries managers.