NOAA Fisheries Northeast Fisheries Science Center

Jon Hare

Science & Research Director

Jon has studied fisheries oceanography for the past 25 years. He oversees multi-objective oceanographic monitoring programs for the Northeast Fisheries Science Center and contributes oceanographic data to stock and ecosystem assessments. His research interests include: i) the effects of climate variability and change on living marine resources, ii) incorporation of climate and oceanographic factors into assessments and management, iii) understanding the structure and function of the northeast U.S. continental shelf Large Marine Ecosystem, and iv) the biological and physical processes that drive the dynamics of marine fishes. He has been lead author on more than twenty peer-reviewed publications and junior author on more than eighty. Recently he has been involved in the development of NOAA Fisheries Climate Vulnerability Assessment and lead the implementation of the assessment methodology in the Northeast. 


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U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Rick Jacobson

Assistant Regional Director, Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation, Northeast Region

Allan Brown

Assistant Regional Director, Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation, Southeast Region

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